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Yamaha Motorcycles

The Yamaha Motorcycles women love to ride!

1100 V Star Classic Yamaha Please meet Tina from Lake Worth, Florida and her 1100 V Star Classic Yamaha. She is one of the many women who have contributed to her-motorcycle.com by telling us about her bike.

I was trying to decide which picture to put on this page from the articles we have received. We have a great one from "Caramel Sundae and Karina". Which is from Trina ( aka Caramel Sundae ) in Columbus, South Carolina who wrote and told us about how she got into riding and ended up with her "Karina", Yamaha V-Star 1100.

Another picture I was considering was "Scooter's Scooter". Janet ( Scooter ) sent us a great picture along with her submission about the 2005 V-Star classic ( Scooter ) she rides. Janet took up riding when she was 45 which proves there are no age barriers to learning to ride!

But I picked Tina because I love her 100 watt smile! She looks like she enjoys her bike and thats what riding is all about.

We have been asking YOU to tell us about your bike since 2007 and our collection of articles about Yamaha Motorcycles that women love to ride forms one of the largest collections of submissions that our visitors have made to her-motorcycle.com.

Share Your Bike with the Readers of Her-Motorcycle.com

If you are a woman motorcyclist, and you are riding what you believe is one of the "best bikes" for women, send me a note and let us all know!

I'll post all submissions that are consistent with the content of "Her-Motorcycle.com" - so just keep it clean, and you'll see your story once I've had a chance to review it.

NOTE: If you have questions about the form, click on the little blue question marks for helpful tips and more information.

See What Others Have to Say About Their Bikes

Click below to see some of our users Bikes, and read all about them. Don't be shy...remember, we women motorcycle riders are the adventurous type...right?

2006 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe 
I live on the California/Oregon border in the valley where Mt Shasta creates some strong winds. On some windy days I was unable to go for enjoyable ride …

Yamaha YZF 600 Thundercat, 1998 
Easiest sporttourer around, suitable as first bike but also more than enough for seasoned bikers with a need for speed and sporty style. It has a very …

1990 yamaha virago1100 
I bought my virago in May 2013. I had been looking for a motorcycle for over a year. I looked at bike after bike. I found many I really liked only to …

Yamaha VStar 2002 650 
I love this bike- I am 5'8" but my legs are shorter on the inseam- so some of the bigger bikes I was uncomfortable with the weight and height of alot of …

2009 Yamaha V Star 650 Custom 
I spent the winter adding my own little vibe & comfy customizations. I have a page re:.this bike when I first bought it. I stated that I had already …

1976 Yamaha RD400 
The 2-stroke Yamaha RD350 and RD400 are legendary for their handling and quickness. 35 years later it's still true. My favorite trip last summer was a …

2005 Yamaha V-Star 650 
I have wanted to ride a motorcycle for as long as I can remember but it was always one of those things that I considered to be way in the future or just …

yamaha 2009 raider s 
i have had my raider for less than a year and LOVE it! had a kawasaki vulcan 900 before and never got comfortable driving it. the yamaha raider is well …

2004 Yamaha V Star Classic 
I'm 60 years old and just bought my first bike a month ago. I love this bike. I'm tall so a lot of size issues that many women have don't apply to me. …

2005 Yamaha VStar Classic 
Miss V is my first bike and I love her! I'm a 50-something Grandma who only started riding about 5 years ago. I'm 5'4" and so the seat height and riding …

99 Yamaha 650 V-Star Classic 
This Bike is Awesome! The size is perfect for women and lots of men ride them. The stock seat is extremely comfortable. She's such a sweet ride. Her notosalgic …

2009 Yamaha V-Star 950 
This is a great bike because it isn't pricey, you can get a brand new bike for under $10,000. It has a fairly powerful engine that is there when you need …

2009 Yamaha Star 950 
Purchased this bike new in August 2010 and have over 17K miles on her. Its candy apple red with lot of chrome. I love this bike, it is so well balanced …

2002 Yamaha V-Star 1100 
This is my second bike, my first cruiser. And wow, is this baby fun. I've had it about 3 weeks now. Just got it out of the shop for badly needed carb adjustments, …

2007 Yamaha VStar 650 Silverado 
I got this bike as a complete surprise from my boyfriend for Christmas 2011. He found it on Craigslist for $4000 and it only had 500 miles on it and in …

2007 Yamaha Vstar 1300 
I decided after a bad experience I wasn't going to be a passenger ever again and didn't want to be left behind, so I bought my first motorcycle. She fits …

2000 Yamaha Royal Star 
My bike was originally created (1996-2001)as Yamaha's version of the Harley Road King. As a leather worker my hands take a lot of punishiment due to the …

2009 Yamaha V-star 1300 
Here I am on my first ride after getting my motorcycle license in September of 2011. I'm riding the Yamaha V-star 1300 that we originally bought for my …

2003 Yamaha FZ1000 
I have had a few bikes, but this is the only bike that has matched my personality. I have always liked riding, but the past two years on this bike has …

2009 Yamaha V Star 650 Custom 
I had ridden small bikes like 125's & my Dad's Honda 350 as a kid. Now that my children are all grown and moved out I decided to ride again so I took a …

Yamaha VStar 650 2007 
I love my bike. I happened to come arcoss it just after completing my MSC in July. I have been practicing in parking lots and riding within 15-20 miles …

Yamaha V-star 650 2008 
Bought it in August 2011 with 1100 miles on it. It now has almost 2000 miles on it. It's black with ghost flames on the tank and recently added Spitfire …

2002 Yamaha V-Star  
Bought my first bike on Saturday! It is a 2002 Yamaha V-Star with 1600 miles on it. I got in a little practice at a parking lot yesterday afternoon and …

Finally Living to the Max 
My bike is a 1984 Yamaha Seca in line 4, 750cc with mega HP. The bike relaxes when in 5th gear and is so smooth. It's like it goes awwww. It feels like …

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2006 Yamaha VStar 1100 Classic 
Love this bike, well balanced, easy to maneuver! I've been able to accessorize as I like, and I can keep up with the big boys. Only thing I wish it had …

2010 Yamaha V-Star  
I love this Bike. When I saw it in the showroom I knew it was for me. I never thought I would go for pink-but its only the trim and seeing how I am a …

Yamaha, V Star 650 Custom, 2001 
I upgraded from a Honda Nighthawk 250 (it was the bike I learned on so I was comfortable with it at first). I bought a 2001 Yamaha V Star 650 Custom. I …

2005 Yamaha V Star 1100 
Decided last year out of the blue I wasn't gonna be just a passenger anymore so... I started looking for a used bike and ended up buying a 1999 Yamaha …

1998 Yamaha Royal Star 1300 Tour Deluxe  
I bought my baby in Sept 2010 and immediately put it in the shop, installed the voyager kit, new seats, new windshield, new saddle bags and trunk. I just …

Caramel Sundae and Karina 
I have wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle since I was about 12yo. I can remember hearing my neighbors who happened to be brothers riding their bikes …

Yamaha MaMa 
At 45 years of age "I DiD iT!" I'm riding my 1st iron horse a 1100 V Star Classic Yamaha and luvin' it. The beginning was exciting, midway was very challenging …

Fall in Colorado 
I love this bike, keep thinking and hearing "you need a bigger bike" but I am so comfy on this one finally that I am not sure I want to break myself in …

2007 Yamaha Virago 250 
My first but not my last.

My Belle 
My husband taught me how to ride on a GZ250. It didn't take long before I grew out of that bike and started shopping for a bigger bike. I'm 5'4", so …

2007 Yamaha VStar Midnight Custom 
My husband taught me how to ride on a GZ250. It didn't take long before I grew out of that bike and started shopping for a bigger bike. I'm 5'4", so …

2010 Yahama 950 V-Star 
I also have a 2002 Buell Blast which was my starter bike. It was a great bike to begin on, well balanced, 500cc, more than enough power. But a planned …

2006 Yamaha V Star 650 Classic 
When I went looking for a motorcycle, I was not all that thrilled about the concept. They scared me. All that power I was to control was just daunting. …

How did I become a VMax rider? Long story….over a 10 year period……but I’ll make it short. My husband's and my first date was a D.A.R.E charity ride on …

2007 Yamaha V Star 650 Silverado 
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my bike! I can't imagine ever selling it or buying anything but a V Star. This is the perfect woman's bike-made to fit us …

My First Bike 
I recently turned 40 and decided to fulfill a dream and learn to ride! I got my permit and bought this 2005 Yamaha V Star Classic 650. She is black, sleek …

I ride a 2007 Yamaha Roadliner (1900cc's)(Big Red). This is my 4th (and last) bike. I'm a huge fan of STAR motorcycles. By far, this has been the easiest …

Got My Licence and Learned to Ride at 48 
This is my third bike and the biggest. At 5'1", I'm a bit vertically challenged so the height of this bike works well. It's a 650 Yamaha Silverado and …

2008 Yamaha FZ6 
I never really thought about riding bikes. My father had recently passed away from a motorcycle accident in October of 2009. My mother decided to take …

2006 Yamaha V-Star 1100 
As a kid I grew up riding dirt bikes and ATV'S. Bought my first Yamaha V-Star 650 in 2005, but wasn't big enough for me so I traded it in for a 1100. …

2009 Yamaha 1300 V-Star 
I rode a 2006 Suzuki 800 Boulevard C50 Touring bike for the last 4 seasons and took a nose dive in Virginia July 2009 at our CMA East National Rally. …

Scooter's Scooter 
Hi my name is Janet but everyone knows me as "Scooter" I'm one of the late bloomers, I started riding on my own at the age of 45, I turn 50 this year. …

My New Bike 
This is a new bike for me, its a 2010 Yamaha V Star 950. I have not been able to get out on it much yet due to weather, but soon will be!

2003 Yamaha 650 V Star 
Well I did it...said I would, and I had to honour my word....of course... I will be 45 this year and spent my life riding horses, training dogs, mowing …

1990 Yamaha Radian 600 
First bike and one of the great loves of my life. After riding on the back of my brother's Honda CBR 1000, I decided I wanted to learn to ride. I had …

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Lucky the 2005 V-Star 650 
This is a pic of my 2005 V-Star 650 Classic. I've had her for 1 1/2 years now and just rolled over 25,000 miles. She only had 1000 miles when I got it …

My Pretty "Queen Isabella" 
This is my pretty VStar 650 Classic. She's been mine for a year & 11 months, and is my first bike. I've put on over 20,000 miles on her, and she still …

Grammy...Ridin' and Lovin' it 
This is my wonderful lil' bike, 2000 VStar 650 Custom. Its an ideal bike for traveling with plenty of power for my short statue.As a child I rode scooters …

Rocco's Custom Christmas Gift 
This Christmas, I opened one of several small gifts from my husband. In one was a black diamond spider necklace. I thought it was very unique. After …

I ride a 2003 Yamaha Vstar 1100 Custom. The very first thing I did was lower it so I sat on it more comfortably. Next was to add chrome, more chrome and …

Lynn's Yamaha VStar 1100 
This is my new/used bike. It is a 2002 Yamaha VStar 1100. It is my upgrade from the Triumph Bonneville I bought for purely emotion reasons. After a …

2008 Yamaha FZ1 
I'm a great Grand-ma, but have been riding on the back since the early 70's. At 58 I decided it was about time for me to move to the front. I love sport …

2009 Yamaha FZ6R 
New to riding this year. Wasn't sure I wanted a Harley, so went with the sport bike. I love it! Although now I also want a Harley. The sport bike is …

'05 Yamaha VStar 650 Custom Cruiser 
I sat on a lot of bikes when I was looking to start riding again but when I sat on Sapphire I knew she was the one for me. Her center of balance was perfect …

2003 Yamaha Vstar 650 
This is my second bike. Absolutely love it. The freedom of riding your own bike is like nothing on earth. I never wanted to be the one on the back. My …

Me and My V-Star 
I'm Kay from Louisiana. My husband bought a 2009 Yamaha V-Star 950 as a means of transportation to and from work. We both had a long commute and thought …

Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, 2007 
I just got it, and it's my first bike! I liked it because it came with a windshield, saddlebags (gotta haul my stuff!) and passing lights for extra visibility. …

Barb & Jaelith  
Hi, Jaelith is my 1977 Yamaha XS650D. I've had her since February of 1978, and have logged over 63,000 miles on her, about half of which include lugging …

Carol's Warrior @ Curacao 
2005 Yamaha RS Warrior 1700 Black Cherry with Flames Color DG HardKrome Big Shots Power Commander 3 USB AMOS Pro Star PC3 Map Installed Stealth …

2002 Yamaha V-Star Classic 650 
Upgrade from 1996 Honda Rebel. Quick release windshield, Driver floorboards, crash guards, highway pegs, running lights, clear lenses, leather bags, …

2009 Yamaha V-Star 250 
Hi! I'm Karon ... I'm re-familiarizing myself with motorcycle riding again after selling mine years ago to liquidate for $$$ to purchase a new home. …

Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom 
When I got to the motorcycle class I was paired up with an Eliminator 250, I liked the bike and it felt good in tight turns, but I hated the seat and something …

2006 Yamaha Vstar 650 
This is my second bike even though I have only been riding for a little over a year. The first bike I purchased was a 1996 Vulcan 800A. This bike was …

1984 Yamaha xv750 Virago 
I absolutely love my ride !

2005 Yamaha VStar 650 Custom 
I really like my VStar, its a nice medium bike. It's not too large and it not too small. It's a very stable and well balanced bike, which I think makes …

Texas Girl Ride 
This is my newest baby, an '07 V-Star 1100 Classic, my second cruiser, and have racked up almost 10,000 miles on this sweet girl in a years time. This …

My New Bike 
I am 40 years old, expecting my first grandbaby in August. I don't know if I am going through a midlife crisis, but I got my first bike a 2009 Yamaha XV250YR. …

2009 Yamaha XT250 
After my husband came back from Afghanistan and got his Vulcan 900, I was joking that I wanted a bike, too. Low and behold, he traded a few things in his …

1984 XV750 Virago 
I bought this bike from a friend in 2008. It has been an awesome bike as it has lots of power, sits low, and has great maneuverability. Starts every time, …

2000 V-Star Classic 
I enjoyed being a passenger on my husband's RoadKing so much that last fall, at the age of 48, I took the course and got my license without my husband …

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2007 Yamaha R1 
I like it because if its agility, velocity, and power.

V Star 650 Classic Yamaha 2002. 
It is a in between size for a short lady not too big not too little.Tall and Short ladies love this bike. It has plenty of power for the hills and it …

Yamaha VStar 650 Classic 
Hi ladies... After 20+ years of being a "fender princess", I recently purchased my first bike (about 3 weeks ago). It is a lovely Yamaha VStar 650 Classic. …

I just learned to ride in May of 2007 by taking the MSF course. I bought an older Honda Rebel 250 to practice on and within a month of lots and lots of …

No such bike exists! 
Okay, so why would anyone think there is a "best" bike for a woman...it all depends on the woman, her riding style, her experience, and he height and strength. …

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