
why i really ride

by lylia brackin
(morriston fl)

i would rather ride than breathe im 71 and retired i bought a spyder sport seven months later i traded it for a faster rts spyder im plannind to go to dragons tale next year after a little more experience it is the last thing on my bucket list/ when im stressed out from my kids and grand kids the minute i drive it out of its storage shed every bit of tension is gone i usually go myself my hubbie is sleeping

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Jan 01, 2015
It''s just a number
by: Anonymous

This one is for Lylia and Peggy. I will be 74 this Jan. 15 th. I ride almost every day and a someone already mentioned, I even go grocery shopping. I don't think about my age. As long as I can lift my leg and hold up my bike I'm going to keep doing it.. I live to ride and ride to live..I feel good and I feel even better when I get on my Harley and take her for a spin. My sister rides too and she didn't learn to ride until she was in her 60's. And she is a good rider.. don't tell yourself you're too anything just give a try and you will know if you can do it. I know if I had not gotten on my bike, I would have deprived myself of a lot of pleasure and living. When you get on your bike, youRe not old, youRe not fat, youRe not unhappy , you're just a woman on a bike, just like any other woman out there riding her bike. So... Live, ride and enjoy.. Please excuse the typos, cause I didn't start doing this either until I got into my Sevent's .

Jul 25, 2012
Great News!
by: Anonymous

I am 63 years young and love to ride my Yamaha 950. Its the greatest stress relief ever. Its so inspiring to hear of us mature women riding. I've wondered how much longer I'll be able to ride, now after reading your story and hearing your age I'm not anywhere near to hanging it up.
You will enjoy the dragon tail in Tennessee. We've ridden 3 or 4 times and its a thrill, just ride your own ride and everything will be fine.
Ride safe.

Jul 18, 2012
by: Gypsyrose

I'm 63 and you have just inspired me to get my own bike instead of riding with my husband. I have a lic. but just never got the bike. Guess I was to unsure of myself. Enjoy and keep the rubber side down.

Jul 16, 2012
by: Lynn - FL

A friend who had never ridden a MC decided to buy the Spyder. She absolutely loves it and named her the Sexy Beast.

Have fun but please be careful on the Tail. We don't want any stories of you flying off the Tail into the forest.

Happy trails!

Jul 14, 2012
by: Jeanette

that is very inspiring... thanks for sharing :)

Jul 14, 2012
why i really ride
by: Peggy

That is totally awesome. I am 59 and have been riding my sportster for a year. This year has been a better year for me, cause I have actually been able to get out on my own and actually ride it. I hope I can keep riding when I am 71. You go lady!

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