
Thinking of trading my Iron 883 Sportster to get a Softail Deluxe, Any input?

by Candy
(WI )

I want to trade in my Iron 883 Sportster to get a Softail Deluxe any Input would be appreciated
I was thinking about trading my Iron 883 Sportster in for a Softail Deluxe. This will be
my 3rd season of riding. Lets just say I am not a natural. My husband surprised me with my dream bike 3 years ago for our Wedding Anniversary a brand new Iron 883 Sportster. I have never ridden a motorcycle in my life. I took the class and received my license a couple of months after I got the bike. He knew I wanted that bike so bad I cut a picture out of a flyer and stuck it on our refrigerator and just thought to myself one day it will happen. Never thinking how heavy the bike was, etc. Well I found out the hard way. I was determined though. I do love my sportster but the center of gravity is not the best. When I saw the Softail Deluxe I fell in love all over again. This was after I got my motorcycle license. I did sit on one in a showroom at a local HD dealership but never test rode one. I heard the center of gravity should not make a difference. But I have heard the Softail Deluxe is a better ride. Have any of you started with a sportster and traded it in for a Softail Deluxe and what was your experience? I am still learning. I over think so much when I am riding. I did not ride a lot last summer due to we were out of town a lot camping. This year my husband and I have a permanent camp site and we can ride our bike there. No more hauling the camper back and forth. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I do plan if I get the Softail Deluxe a lot of parking lot pratice.

Comments for Thinking of trading my Iron 883 Sportster to get a Softail Deluxe, Any input?

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Nov 19, 2012
Made the switch...
by: Anonymous

I started out with a 96 Sportster Custom. Although I always liked the look of the Softails they were too big for vertically challenged 5'1" frame. Then they came out with the Deluxe in '05 that was suited for short folks and I just had to get one. I sold my Sportster and got myself the Deluxe. I had it lowered 2 inches and I sit comfortably flat footed. I do love the comfort and ride of the Deluxe but I kind of miss the easier handling of the smaller bike and now I'm eyeing the Sportster Forty Eight.
What's a girl to do.....

Sep 04, 2012
designed for shorter people
by: Anonymous

I owned an 05 and sold it.....it did not handle well....nice looking but thats about it.unless HD has made some changes to the design the dyna family rides nicer than softails and is still a step up. just my opinion.

May 18, 2012
Deluxe convert
by: Harleymartha

I too rode a 97 sportster for about 10 years. My husband helped me decide to upgrade to a Deluxe when he found a deal that was too good to pass up. I now have an 07 Deluxe. I don't find the stock seat too comfortable, but that's just me (I had a badlander seat on my sportster that had hugger shocks and was lowered 3 inches).
I am 5'1" on a good day and don't really have a problem with the change. The center of gravity is different than the sportster, and seems easier to ride, but my riding experience is a lot more extensive now as well.
My Deluxe has trigger grips and the handle bars have been changed to mini apes. The guy that I bought it off of, had done the handle bar change, but I did the lever change. The floor boards did take some getting used to and your leg placement will be different, but if your ready for a new ride, like everyone said, compair what your interested in and then make a decision.

Feb 03, 2012
re: Trading the 883 for a Deluxe
by: Lauren

Candy, I think you're doing the right thing. I bought a 2012 Sportster Custom 1200 in August and sold it in November. (just so happened someone wanted it badly so I jumped on the opportunity) I too am looking at the Deluxe and like you, I haven't taken it for a test ride yet but sitting on it in the show room has convinced me that not only the fit is better but the ride will improve as well.

I too am 5'2" and being "vertically challenged" puts us into a catagory of fewer bikes or more money spent to make them fit, i.e. seats, lowering, handlebars, etc.

Everyone I've talked to about the ride and handling tells me it is a whole world better.

Keep us posted on how you make out and once you settle on a bike I would love to hear your review, especially since you've come off a Sportster.

Feb 03, 2012
by: Lynn - Florida

Any upgrade is always nice. My only suggestion is don't limit yourself to Harley Davidson. Test out other brands too before you buy. Either way, keep us posted as all info. is good to share.

Feb 02, 2012
sporster to delixe
by: ME harleygrl

I traded my sporster for a deluxe. if youve mastered the sporster you will love the deluxe. the comfort is the best, you wont need to buy a new seat. and the handling is so easy. Im 5'2", and its perfect. the foorboards are a plus too. you will be able to strtch your legsm more too. I dont find the need for any highway pegs.itsnlike trading a focus for a cadallac.

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