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Taking it easy on the Dragon
by Tom Sorlie
The tail of the dragon. I'm with my daugther and we're riding two up. We're riding with three Vstrom warriors. The thing is I've said I'm going to cruise. No tickets, no accidents, no donations to the tree of shame. The dragon starts with a turn. Or almost. The dragon is about turns and about elevations and about adrenalin in check. It's like a theme park for road racing. The real warriors are out there on their sport bikes. Cruisers are out and everything in between. The cops are out too. At one point I noticed a guy walking back from his BMW towards the state trooper. He has this stunned look on his face. I can only imagine. Speeding, racing, crossing the yellow line and now you pay oh so big. The dragon is fun even dialed down. You do have to be careful. North Carolina and Tennessee are great states for motorcycling. So many great roads. If you make to the dragon it's ok to coast through it and stay alive. It's something you should do once if giving the chance. I rode from Canada to do this run and I was not disappointed.
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