
Rider's Rest - Eureka Springs, AR

Rider's Rest Motel - Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Rider's Rest Motel - Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Motorcycle only. Covered motorcycle parking. 10 room motel or a large flat area for tent camping. Tent area has fire pit and a covered "bar" station for guests to use. They provide ice chests & ice. Owners are extremely friendly and accommodating to whatever you forgot or couldn't bring.

Rider's Rest Motel
4092 E. Van Buren
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
(479) 253-9815

Website: Rider's Rest Motel

Comments for Rider's Rest - Eureka Springs, AR

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Jul 22, 2014
I got married here
by: Kerry

What a great place to get married. It was just me and my intended and two friends. The owner Ann performed our wedding which was biker themed. We got married in the
Gazebo, the whole experience was wonderful. When we got back to our room there was a bottle of champagne and a wedding card. If you want a small personal wedding Riders Rest is certainly the place to go. Rooms are clean and comfortable and we celebrated with the rest of the guests at the fire pit in the evening. Thanks to the management for making it a special day

Sep 29, 2011
the Managers did you wrong!
by: D. Taylor

I too am really sorry you had a bad experience with your stay at Bikers Rest. The managers that Ann and Bob hired to run the place, did all they could do to run a great place into the ground. Once the owners returned to the property, they immediately got rid of the sorry folks that damaged the reputation of the property and the owners. I will go back any time that I have the chance while in Eureka. Im sure its too late to change your mind about Riders Rest, but the owners were thousands of miles away, thinking they had left the motel in good hands, only to find out when they returned, how bad the rogues were and how lousy a job they did. I just had to defend these 2 great people and their business after having a great time the 4 nights we stayed there. Ann could not have been more charming. I will get off my soap box now. Thanks for reading this.

Aug 23, 2011
I'm suprised
by: Anonymous

This would not have happened if the owners were there. We were married at Riders Rest and had a wonderful wedding. Ann, the owner married us and did the ceremony biker themed. I understand these managers were fired on the spot and the owners are now back in charge. Riders Rest is a great place for motorcyclists.

Jun 04, 2011
These Folks are LOONEY!!!!
by: Callahan Wedding Party

We Booked a wedding party 3 months in advance and low and behold found out that all the stories we have heard and didn't want to be true...well they were!!! These people running this place are on something, don't know if I would want to be a user of such.... they are completely whacked.. They lied and were totally confused on what a wedding involves.. We were totally not impressed with the digs, got jipped out of two rooms. Had to explain campers that had been there for two days and the owners were just seeing them. The food we bought for our reception was taken by someone!!! The owners came to town and took over rooms that were booked and paid for. Please we all are asking that no one goes through what we did. We just wanted everyone to be comfortable and had taken all precautions of the booking of the resort for that. If you go there get booking conversations on tape, cuz they will change things on you. Be prepared.

Sorry if you take the same chance we did.. You have been for warned. Good Luck. Go somewhere else.

Eureka Springs is beautiful and a lot of places cater to bikers. Shop around.

It just DEPENDS!!!

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