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by Lillee
I'm 25 and have been riding a BMS Heritage 150 Scooter for several months now for commuting to school. I was talking to a biker guy at work recently and he told me it was not too good to make my little GY6 engine go 75mph every couple days and if I kept it up I'd kill my scooter. So I decided to get something bigger. I looked around and found a bike I really like and it to going to be delivered Saturday. Its a 2006 Honda Shadow 750. I'm in love with it and havent even paid for it yet. But when I told my parents (who I am living with while I finish school) my mom said "I'll pray for you" and my dad actually said "Where do you want to be buried?" This morning when I got up my dad offered to sell me his car for the cost of the bike and now I'm really mad. I really want them to be supportive. I know they think I'm crazy and maybe I am but it would be nice if they would just understand. I don't think they understand that I can end up just as dead on my scooter as I can on the big bike.
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