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newbie rider
by Elaine
I am a brand new rider, I got my endorsement Thursday and have been practicing almost everyday since.I have a black 2007 spirit 750 c2 which is fully stock. I ordered the cobra highway bars and received them today, hopefuly my husband will install them tomorrow. I also ordered the solo Mustang seat with the fender bib, which should arrive next week sometime, I love the look of the solo seat.I would like to get a windshield but there are so many choices out there that I have no idea what to look for. I have a half head helmet with a clear shield, which I have used for a long time as a passenger with my husband, it was great for passenger riding but I find it to be very noisy and air get up into my face whenever I go past 45 mph. Can some of you more experienced riders offer me any suggestions on a good helmet or some ideas on a windshield that wont block all the wind but will help my to NOT feel i'm going to fly off the back..LOL
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