
Newbie advice

Ok - as a newbie - my best advice - once you have taken the safety class - find a bike that fits your size and skill level - then ride, ride, ride. Practice your skills and once you are comfortable venture out into the roadways. Start with roads where the traffic is relatively light and go from there. Push yourself a little but always stay within your scope of experience and skill. And dont get cocky. My friends who are experienced riders tell me that the little bit of fear I still feel sometimes will help keep me outta trouble. Take your time - you have your whole life to ride so no need to rush into doing what you are not comfortable with. And as much as I hate the helmet - wear it. Messy, flat, sweaty hair is better then a clunk on the head. And if you stall or drop the bike - just get back on and keep going. The more you ride the better you will get and the more fun it becomes. Morning rides are my favorites - less traffic and an invigorating way to start the day.

Comments for Newbie advice

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Jul 30, 2013
new rider
by: Gwen

I always rode on the back of a bike with my X. Took the rider course maybe 15+ years ago, got a license and never rode. Just bought a Yamaha V Star 250 today. Have a friend driving it home tomorrow. I am both nervous and excited. I will be practicing in the school parking lot. Glad I found this site as I have so many questions!

Apr 17, 2012
So excited to get started!!!
by: Dark GREEN

Wow, a woman's web-site about motorcycles? I Love this!!
I am a real beginner, as in I just passed my written test to allow me to take the safety course, to teach me how to ride. I have been reading all I can find a out what bike is the best for a newbie biker "chick". It is so great to read everyone's comments on posted questions. It so much the "every thing you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask" column.

I start my training course at the end of May and I am so excited to get started!!

Jan 19, 2012
newbie in progress
by: Anonymous

So so true and very well said

Dec 15, 2011
Newbie advice
by: Anonymous

Great advice

For those new riders and those wanting to ride... if you have this fantasy of getting a bike, practicing couple time in a parking lot, riding couple hunderd miles ....then thinking that all there is to it....wrong

It takes time and patience, if you have to take the MSF course again & again ..do it, ride with others that will mentor you and challange you but not push you. There is so much to think about, throttle control, friction zone, remembering when to shift up and when to shift down, don't forget to pull the clutch in, look where you want to go ..and NOT at that front wheel when making a right turn, don't forget the kick stand and make sure it is leaning enough, if the bike is pointed down hill make sure to leave it in gear then release the clutch. And you will drop the bike at sometime, get up shake it off, because everyone does...or will.

This is a sport that engages ALL of your senses 100% of the time and not only do you have to think for yourself and your bike you have to anticipate what other riders/drivers around you are going to do.

Most of all to become just a good rider it takes hunderds, hunderds & hunderds of miles even into the thousands, and riders that have been doing this most of their lives and I'm talking riders that are in their 40's & 50's will tell you, you never stop learning.

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