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New Bike Dumped Ugh
by Veronica
Just got my new Slim and rode it great for 2 hours yesterday in a parking lot. Because I'm a new rider I'm taking it slow. Today my husband and I took our bikes into our neighborhood so I can practice on the Slim (have a Rebel on which I learned). Three minutes into the ride I stopped at a stop sign and didn't realize that my handle bars were slightly turned and down I went. My new baby has a bent licensed plate, some paint scratches on the tail light and the knob broke on the clutch. I'm fine but sad about my bike. Because my wonderful husband who is truly amazing would not bring his bike home then come and get mine (not a reasonable request lol) I had no choice but to ride which did go better then I expected. I'm witing cause I just need the forum ladies to listen. Weird as it sounds I do feel somewhat relieved -- the fear I had dumping my new bike is now gone. Just feeling sorry for myself and needed my ladies to talk to.
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