
New Bike Dumped Ugh

by Veronica
(Valley Forge)

Just got my new Slim and rode it great for 2 hours yesterday in a parking lot. Because I'm a new rider I'm taking it slow. Today my husband and I took our bikes into our neighborhood so I can practice on the Slim (have a Rebel on which I learned). Three minutes into the ride I stopped at a stop sign and didn't realize that my handle bars were slightly turned and down I went. My new baby has a bent licensed plate, some paint scratches on the tail light and the knob broke on the clutch. I'm fine but sad about my bike. Because my wonderful husband who is truly amazing would not bring his bike home then come and get mine (not a reasonable request lol) I had no choice but to ride which did go better then I expected. I'm witing cause I just need the forum ladies to listen. Weird as it sounds I do feel somewhat relieved -- the fear I had dumping my new bike is now gone. Just feeling sorry for myself and needed my ladies to talk to.

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Sep 04, 2013
Gravel Is Tough
by: Veronica

Don't be embarassed about dropping your bike in gravel. I haven't ridden on gravel but when we were in Sturgis this August my husband who has over 250,000 riding miles dumped our touring bike with me on it coming out of a gravel parking lot and fortunately 2 bikers stopped to help us lift the bike. A friend of ours who is a motor state trooper recently dumped his bike in a parking lot on leaves and mud. My hubby tells me all the time riders dump their bikes and the more experience u have it happens on tougher surfaces. I too get gun shy when something goes wrong like opening the throttle accidentally on a turn but as my hubby tells me daily "u have the skill to ride u just need practice" Just keep your focus, trust in your ability and fight the fear that's what I do. My Slim is also heavy but with each day I ride and I try to ride daily I see improvement. You will be just fine. Remember if we love to ride then we have to ride and alll will fall into place -- chin up :)

Sep 03, 2013
New Bike Dumped... ugh
by: Anonymous

It's really frustrating and upsetting... I just went from my 1st (learning) bike (suzuki s40) to a HD Deluxe... it's huge and heavy but I love it!!

My first experience with gravel I was parking in my friends driveway and my boot slipped out - I wasn't used to the weight and went over to the right ... somehow (& to this day I still don't know how) it didn't end up fully on the ground - I was holding it up slightly (enough not to cause any damage) but I had my friends neighbor race over to help me lift it. I was so embarassed!
Now I'm really nervous on gravel and corners - I don't know how to get over it but I just keep pushing myself out there to keep trying and I count everything as a lesson for life.

Sep 03, 2013
happened to me too
by: Anonymous

If we are gonna ride, we have to handle the bike we have. Glad you just continued to ride--I dumped mine 2 weeks ago after 4 years of riding. Many people have told me they were surprised it took 4 years. I still feel like a new rider!

Sep 03, 2013
It happens...
by: Anonymous

It really sucks to drop your bike, and though you think you've got it out of your system it could happen again. The best you can do is install an engine guard/crash bar. It'll protect your paint, chrome, and your body in the event it happens again. Cheapest form of insurance against oops moments. That's what I did, and it was the best $220 I could have spent. It's not always on my mind that OMG what if I drop her again. I'll still have the humiliation, but it's cheaper than any paint job!

Good luck!

Sep 03, 2013
Hubby was right!
by: Sharon

Did almost exactly the same thing at the beginning of this season when I went from Rebel to Shadow Aero 750...around my block once and dumped it at the corner! But I think I got that fear out of my system and have had a smooth ride all season since then! Best thing you can do is get back on and keep moving!

Sep 03, 2013
dropping bike
by: AnonymousLynn

I call it Christening the bike. Yes, it's upsetting and nerve racking, but everyone I know has done it. If you're not hurt, getting back on the bike is the best thing you can do. You will shake and maybe get teary (especially if you damage a new bike) but it happens. Good to share so you know you're not alone.

Sep 02, 2013
You have a great attitude!
by: Fishsticks

Glad you were not hurt! Your husband was right to have you continue on riding. That got your confidence back up, no doubt. You are doing great because you realize what went wrong. And you have a great attitude about getting that drop out of the way.

Get some highway bars which compared to most bike items are fairly inexpensive. It will protect your bike more if it should go to sleep again. :)

I am quite impressed that you could go from a Rebel to a Slim with no other bike in between!

Enjoy that Slim!

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