My husband was lazy...
by Brenda
and didn't want to go on a ride as often as I liked. It was "too hot" or "too cold" almost every time I asked "Can we take the bike honey?" so jokingly he said I should get my own. I said ABSOLUTELY NOT. I am 34, a mother, a church girl....the idea of riding my own seemed too wild and dangerous. My aunt died in a motorcycle wreck a couple years ago (her and her boyfriend got T-boned by another car at an intersection) so I knew my family would be extremely worried about me riding on the back, let alone driving my own.
Hubby took the MSF class one weekend just to brush up on his basic riding skills and came home with stories of newbies who had never even touched a bike before and how they learned to ride so quickly. He finished his class on a Sunday, and Monday morning on my way to work I had an epiphany. I wanted to take the class just to see how hard it was. I signed up right away and within 2 weeks completed my MSF course (easier than I thought! And both my instructors were women!) and bought my own bike, a Kawasaki Vulcan 800.
Wouldn't you know it, myy husband all of the sudden wants to ride every day!? We ride together a lot. We ride with friends too. Just yesterday I picked my 9 year old up from school on the bike. You should have seen the other parents as I shook my hair out and geared up my kiddo in his leather and helmet. I caught men gawking and women gossiping. Oh, and my son's friends thinks he has the coolest mom on the planet.
I feel accomplished, sexy, and completely FREE to go where I want, when I want. Now I know why my husband got a bike in the first place, and I have not been on the back of his since.