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Motorcycle Touring Through Europe

Motorcycle Touring in Europe - Motorcycle Touring at its Best!
Perhaps the greatest motorcycle touring involves riding in a foreign country. There is no greater adventure than hopping on a rented motorcycle, with a group of friends, and traveling through a different country and a foreign culture. With each day dawns a new adventure - new roads to navigate, meals to negotiate and a new destination at which to arrive. Just remember, you really need to know how to pack for a motorcycle trip.We have toured through Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, France and the Isle of Man..
Each country has something different to offer a motorcyclist - wonderful roads, beaches, marvelous food, wine and scenery. Certainly, there are challenges involved with motorcycle touring - mechanical breakdowns, scheduling, ferry crossings, climate changes and lost luggage can cause momentary aggravation, but the memories that result...priceless! Do your research before embarking on a bike tour. Unfortunately, perhaps, I've learned through some mistakes. Read my tips for long distance travel, especially in a foreign country.
Without a doubt, we have been extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel by motorcycle in various European countries, most recently Scotland and the UK. Last year, we spent two weeks traveling through France, where we had wonderful weather, great roads, beautiful scenery and probably too much great food and wine. France is absolutely beautiful - imagine how all those vineyards smell. I cannot imagine traveling through France in any vehicle, other than a motorcycle!
Unless you are independently wealthy (don't I wish)) and have the means to purchase a motorcycle everywhere you want to ride, you're going to have to deal with motorcycle rental companies, or engage the services of a motorcycle touring company.As is the case with any vehicle you rent, make sure that the company with which you are dealing has a good reputation for service and problem solving. Nothing can ruin an expensive vacation faster than a broken-down motorcycle in a foreign country, far from your hotel...Been there, done that. Other things can ruin a vacation, think about some travel insurance.
Keep in mind the time it will take for traveling to the country, and the time it will take to get to the motorcycle. Jet lag isn't good for safely operating a motorcycle. Sometimes, just getting to the rental motorcyclesis an adventure. We traveled for 2 days just to get our motorcycles in London.
Feel the need to do some island hopping? What...no bridges? No Problem! Say you need to cross a large body of water - you need to get to Ireland from the UK, or to Nova Scotia from Canada. You want to cross Lake Michigan from Wisconsin to Michigan, so you don't have to travel for two days. Problem solved: Put your motorcycle on a ferry, take a rest, and end up on the other side.

Our most recent trip to the Isle of Man included a long ferry trip across the Irish sea - with many, many other motorcyclists.
Riding Motorcycles in Europe!
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Sally Gap, Wicklow County, Ireland R115 Not rated yet This road was twisty and very lumpy. The bogs cause the road to sag and the condition eliminates most of the flat road and leaves you feeling like you …