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Top Tips To Help Lower Motorcycle Insurance Premiums Top Tips To Help Lower Motorcycle Insurance Premiums
Earlier this year a new ruling by the European Court of Justice entailed that from December 2012 insurers will no longer be allowed to take gender into account when calculating the premiums of their policy holders.
In accordance with the EU's overall stance on gender equality, British insurance companies will no longer be able to take into consideration the gender of their clients when calculating and reducing premiums based on risk analysis and claim statistics.
Maggie Craig of the Association of British Insurers has labelled the ruling 'disappointing' and although the new law it doesn't come into effect until he end of next year, you need to act now if you want to lower your motorcycle premiums in anticipation of the hike.
By sourcing your motor bike insurance from a specialist provider such as MCE Insurance and adhering to the following tips female bikers will be able to lower their motorcycle insurance premiums.
Reduce your Rides
How many miles do you cover a year? If you reduce your rides to no more than 5000 miles annually most insurers will look favourably upon this and reduce your premiums. If you ride less than that you can make extra savings. As an added bonus, the less wear and tear you put your bike through the higher the resale price will remain.
Are You Experienced?
If you're a veteran of the roads, insurers will recognize this and reduce your insurance premiums accordingly over a period of time. Some insurers will also reduce your premiums if you take advanced courses such as IAM, ROSPA, or BikeSafe, to demonstrate you are serious about bike riding and staying safe on the roads.
To Claim or not to Claim?
If you are not the most experienced rider in the world, it may be a good idea to get a smaller bike with a little less power. Those less likely to claim are charged less and careful riders are rewarded with a no claims bonus. Improve your riding skills and you can always upgrade when the time is right.
Voluntary Excess
Your premiums will be dramatically reduced if you volunteer to increase the excess on your policy. However, on a negative note, if you are ever involved in an accident you will be forced to
cover a larger amount of the costs straight out of your own pocket.
Pick the Right Bike
Before you buy a bike, shop around and get the right quotes. Also, consider if you really need comprehensive cover on your bike.
Be Sure and Secure
Reduce your insurance premiums with an immobiliser. Always check with the insurer beforehand to ensure your chosen bike alarm is one they endorse. Storing your bike in a secure unit such as a garage will also help reduce premiums. In dramatic situations you could even relocate to an area where there is less reported crime to reduce insurance premiums.
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