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Motorcycle Eye Safety

Motorcycle Eye Safety: Protecting Your Eyes While on the Motorcycle

When you are out on the motorcycle, there are certain things that you have to keep in mind. You are part of nature on a bike, surrounded by the whipping wind and whatever might be swept up and rushing past with it. In a car, you are protected from debris by the doors and the windshield. On a bike, you do not have such protection, so you have to take other precautions.

Motorcycle Eye Safety You protect your arms and legs by wearing the right clothes and shoes. You know that rocks can fly up and nail you at any time, so hopefully you are wearing proper riding boots to minimize the risk of injury. Wearing a leather or other thick material jacket protects your arms and chest as well as keeps you warm while you are on the bike. The temperature that you feel when you are standing still will not be the temperature that you feel when you get out on the open road, especially if it is windy or in the early fall.

But, one of the most important things you have to keep in mind when you are out on your motorcycle is the protection of your lovely face and eyes. Be careful ladies, because it is remarkably easy to scratch your cornea which can lead to dangerous eye infections and vision loss. There are many ways to keep your eyes safe while you are on the bike. Finding what works best for you is important so that you can ride safely and comfortably.

1. A Windshield
Buying a detachable windshield can minimize some of the debris and wind that comes flying past your face when you are out on the bike. Some people do not like the look of them on their bikes, however.

2. A Full-Face Shield Helmet
The choice of helmets for women is a matter of personal choice and comfort. For some, the feeling of being fully encased is comforting, but for others it feels claustrophobic. If you prefer to wear a helmet that does not cover your face, you will have to find an alternative.

3. Goggles or Riding Glasses
Okay, it is not the average person that can make the goggle look appealing, but it's not really looks you are going for here. The point is to protect your eyes.

4. A Helmet with a Visor
If you have a helmet that has a half-face shield or a visor, you are protecting your eyes, at least a little bit.

Remember, though: If you wear contacts, you will have to do a little more to protect your eyes because not only do you face problems from the dust and debris on the road, but you have to fight dried out contacts as well. If you have ever had to drive down the road with one contact dried and stinging, you know exactly what I mean.

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