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Motorcycle Accessories

Motorcycle Accessories - More than just bling for your bike!

Here is the corner of our website where we talk about motorcycle accessories. This is a collection of articles we've written over the years ( we've been online since 2007! ) about stuff we've used or heard about since we've been online.

This is also the place to share. If there are accessories that you like to use when riding, we'd love to hear from you. If it wasn't for our visitors sharing with us we wouldn't have heard about some great motorcycle accessories such as the Wrap-Id Toll pass holder or some of the products you use on your hair to beat the dreaded Helmet Hair!

Please enjoy all of the articles below and if you'd like to share accessory ideas with our visitors please share them with us


Motorcycle Gadgets

We wrote about motorcycle gadgets a few years ago and detailed some essentials you might want to consider bringing with you when you ride. This isn't about Bling for your bike, just some practical advice.

Motorcycle Luggage

Tank bags, Saddlebags and some suggestions we like from Foxcreek Leather!

Motorcycle backpacks: Some riders don't like to use these while others can't live without them.

Motorcycle Seats

Who doesn't need a comfy motorcycle seat? Here is an article we wrote a few years ago about comfy seats which includes a couple links to aftermarket products you might be interested in like Sheepskin seat covers.

Motorcycle Camping Gear

Have you ever thought of going camping with your motorcycle? Well we did and we wrote an article about it here with some tips and links to motorcycle friendly accomodation, a great North American directory for campsites and an article we wrote about Adventure Traveling.

Motorcycle Trailers

Here is a series of articles we wrote about enclosed, open, fold up and 3 rail motorcycle trailers.

Hair Accessories our visitors use.

We have asked our visitors how they deal with the dreaded condition known as helmet hair on our Helmet Hair page! Well you have certainly responded and we now have 1, 2, and now 3 pages full of accessories that you use for your hair when motorcycle riding.

You have also told us about what you wear under your helmet such as Do-rags, Buffs and more. And you have also told us about M-Gen, which we use, and have written about here.

Skincare advice!

Here is an article we wrote about skincare way back when! Do they write about these kind of subjects on men's motorcycle sites? Hhmmm! If you have skincare advice please share below.

Motorcycle Security

Security is a fact of life in our crazy world. Here is an article we wrote several years ago about Motorcycle Security that discusses protection for you and your motorcycle. Yes, you need to protect "you" as well as your bike!

Wrap-Id Pass Toll Pass Holder

In 2011 we learned about the Wrap-Id Toll Pass holder and featured this on our site for all of 2012. This is a really cool idea and if you live and ride in areas that have a lot of toll highways and roads please check this out.

Please click the picture of Geri and her daughter Ashley for more information on the Wrap-Id Toll Pass Holder. There are lots of pictures available as well as a couple of videos of how it all works.

AngelHeart Designs

We also heard about the Road Angel® from T.J.Combine in 2012. Please click the link for AngelHeart Designs and read the story about how this business came about.

Krome Cosmetics

Late in 2011 around Christmas time we heard from Kat Thomas. Kat rides a 2001 Fatboy and has dreamed since childhood about being a Cosmetics Chemist. Because of her love of riding and making cosmetics she decided to make a line of cosmetics geared towards women riders. We featured Krome Cosmetics on our site throughout 2012.

Please visit the link below to learn more about Krome Cosmetics.

What accessories do you take with you when you ride?

Please share below!

What Other Visitors Have Said

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new rider-- looking for best riding boots to wear 
My husband and I are going for a week trip through the Tennesee mountains in September and am looking for riding/dressing tips...especially a great pair …

Repair, maintain and modify your own bike 
At http://www.biketuna.co.uk we not only have the best performance parts and accessories for sportsbikes and trackbikes, but we tell you how to fit them …

I can't take it anymore either 
Help! Is there such a thing as a comfortable seat for a HD Iron 883? Now ladies if you've got one or ridden one I don't have to tell you. It is so bad …

BAG-R-BOX Saddlebag Insert Trays 
Tired of digging to the bottom of your soft leather saddlebags, in order to find those small items that have settled to the bottom after riding? A BAG-R-BOX …

Everything PowerSports! 
Here at www.powersportsdirectoryreviews.com I write reviews for any and everything that has to do with motorcycles, Powersports, and accessories. I host …

Scala Rider G9 motorcycle helmet intercoms 
These things are The Bomb. My husband and I ride on separate bikes, but these work for folks who ride 2up also. They attach to half, 3/4, or full-face …

Custom Motorcycle Seats for Women 
Does anyone know about or have a custom seat for their bike?! I can't take it anymore! I have a 2005 Ninja 250 and rack up a lot of miles; most recently …

Saddlebags for 2009 Yamaha V Star 250 
Hi, I am new to this forum and would like to ask your advice on how to find saddlebags for my bike. Yamaha has none available for this model and after …

Looking for Input for Women's Motorcycle Tail Bag 
We're The Cycle Guys (www.thecycleguys.com) and we make sportbike oriented luggage products. We're talking about making a tail bag geared toward women. …

Luggage Help 
My husband and I are going on my first long road trip in July. I have saddlebags on my V Star 650 Classic, a single seat and a small chrome rack on the …

Women Specific Motorcycle Safety Vest 
My husband and I started a new business (I know, sounds like a bad idea in this economy) specializing in motorcycle apparel. Missing Link MC Apparel. After …

Packing for 2 On 1 Bike 
My hubby and I are taking our first long trip on the bike. We are headed to Alaska from South Dakota and will be out for about 17 days. We do plan to …

Motorcycle Decor 
I have a 09 Softail Deluxe in black. I love my bike but I would like to find some girlie ways to decorate my bike. I would like to personalize it. I am …

Bike to Bike Communication 
My husband and I are planning an east coast bike trip. This is our first and I am looking for advice on how to achieve bike to bike communication on the …

Motorcycle Security? 
I just bought a motorcycle, but I can't keep it in a garage all the time. What's the best way to keep it safe without breaking my bank account?

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