Learning To Corner
by Barbie
(Penticton, BC Canada)
I waa helping a friend to learn to ride. She was afraid of the corners, (we all were I suspect). I took her to a school parking lot on my bike (2003 Shadow Sprit) She got off and I told her to watch me for a second. I directed her to stand behind the bike as I road through the lot. I then began to "corner" as in swerving back and forth, S like this "S" She learned by watching as I exaggerated, for the purpose of learning. She had been getting very confused on which way to lean. As she was told to lean the opposite of the corner. HUH? She watch as well as I rode back. She got on the bike to try it again and she copied exactley what I had done. She told me that watching from the back and front was just what she needed to get the idea of leaning She is now a very good rider, and not afraid of the corners. I hope this helps some of you and it will be much easier for the begining rider.