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Just an observation
by Lois
I ride a BMW and when I'm out riding I give a wave or a nod to other riders I encounter. There are lots of bikes in this area and it's a vacation destination for a lot of riders. Here is my observation, I find that most HD riders will only wave to other HD riders. As a passenger and driver I have been riding for over 30 years and we always gave a wave to anyone on 2 wheels it was just what you did. In the past several years I've noticed what seems to be a rift within the motorcycling community that you only acknowledge the people riding the same brand bike that you have. What a shame because we are all enjoying the thrill of the ride in our own way. Today I was on the Blue ridge parkway, I had stopped at a parking area and had walked off to pick some blueberries. As I was coming back to my bike a women rider followed by a man were riding towards me I waved and in return got the stone face glare of the woman, I would put it down to a bad day but this is the look I receive from most HD riders, men or women. I ride with a full face helmet, I have to because I smile all day long. I just love being on my bike and riding wherever the road takes me. So I guess what I'm trying to say is SMILE like your enjoying the ride, give a nod or a wave to others on 2 wheels we are all motorcyclists. Hey I've even been known to wave at little scooters!
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