If you're short in stature and a beginner --
by Barbara Bailey
Within the first hour of beginning the practical section of my MSC last summer the instructor pulled me aside and said "Can I honest with you? You are too little for a motorcycle. You need a scooter that has a lower center of gravity." I was crushed. I didn't want to ride a scooter,I wanted the real thing -- a motorcycle! But, at 5', 111 lbs I thought 'HE is the instructor and must know what he's talking about.' Reluctantly, I bought a slightly used Honda Reflex scooter and must admit, it's a dream for a small beginner after struggling sometimes to keep the MC from tipping over. And once failing to do so! I dropped the course to regroup and took it in the fall when I passed on my 49th wedding anniversary --- just one year ago. For my 75th birthday in May I bought a new Burgman 400 -- yes, a scooter! and would ride it everyday if I could. I love to ride! Planning a trip from Ohio to maybe CA next summer! YEA! And Yes, it IS difficult to find the right size for we short gals. Practice, practice, practice!
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