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I Admit, I Dropped It!!!
by Bonnie
So this is my first week of riding (after passing my course and getting my learners permit), and I had a frustrating ride. We went around our neighborhood (husband and I) and even went on some busy roads...I actually got the bike up to 60 km (I own a Suzuki S40 Boulevard(650)). But as I panicked about traffic, my nerves got the best of me and I started to get frustrated at my acceleration from a stop (not fast enough) or slowing down with the gears vs. brakes, etc. etc. So when we finally got in our driveway I was so mad at myself that I forgot to put the kickstand down and thinking it was down, me and bike fell and I fell hard. THANKS to the helmet and my full gear, I am okay. But I immediately started to cry because of the fright and because I knew that putting the kickstand down should be "automatic". I was basically so mad at myself for doing everything wrong.
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