How to confront a fellow rider?
by WHat to DO?
I'm a rider in my 3rd season. I have a friend that's been riding a bit longer than I have, but she still rides like a noob. That's where it gets complicated!!! I feel like because she's been a rider longer than I have, if I confronted her about it, she'll get offended.
She rides slower than the traffic on the freeway and because I'm riding behind, I'm at risk. And when coming up to semi-trucks, she hesitates. And when she DOES pass them, she stays by their side for quite awhile, I never pass semi-trucks until she has completely passed them! On the freeway, when others are signaling to get into our lane, she literally DOES NOT see their signaling and rides into their blind spot and stays there!
Due to the way she rides, it finally caught up with me! A semi-truck kicked up a rock size of a baseball and cracked my bikes windshield, it barely missed my head.
I have decided to call it quits riding with her. But the way I see it, its gonna catch up to her they way she rides on the freeway. I know if I don't point these things out, she will get hurt. Besides, don't we all have something to learn no matter how long of a rider we've been?