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by Dottie
I want to take an informal poll and just get some information. Now I know this is a deeply personal and somewhat controversial subject but I just want some insight. I was a fender lizard for a couple years behind hubby and didn't wear a helmet, he never does, even now. When I got my own bike this summer and took the MSF course it was hard for me to ignore the statistics and I started wearing a half helmet that was a hand me down. I still was not comfortable and decided to get a helmet of my own that fit correctly, hubby said that if I was going to get a helmet that I should get a full face helmet. With the statistics and the ever present possibility of an accident I was inclined to agree and got a full face Bell helmet. Today will be my first day wearing a full face helmet and I am anxious and a bit nervous to try it out. There has already been an issue with my glasses. Silhouette glasses simply do not work with a full face helmet. I had to dig out an old pair of more rigid frame glasses. But I almost always wear sunglasses when riding so my prescription sunglasses will work fine I think.
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