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Heated Motorcycle Apparel
Heated Motorcycle Apparel
One of the greatest inventions of modern motorcycling. I've ridden with heated motorcycle gear, and I've ridden without it. Guess which option I would chose?I remember a drive from Chicago to Northern Wisconsin in mid-October, when the temperature in Chicago was in the mid-40's, first thing in the morning. By the time we drove through Madison, Wisconsin, it was in the 30's. I was wearing the "boyfriend's son's leather jacket," and some Harley Davidson gloves, with a sweatshirt (or two) and some thermal underwear. It was miserable. Truly miserable. I recall that we stopped in a Harley dealership that we saw off the highway, and I bought yet another pair of gloves and spent about 45 minutes thawing. It was about noon, and we had at least 4 hours left to travel, north. I had not yet been introduced to the concept of heated apparel

From that day forward, I swore that I would not ride in cold weather without the proper clothes. I needed to be able to feel my hands, my feet, my legs, my body. I needed warmth.The next year, I traded my BWM R850 (without heated grips) in for my current bike, a BMW 1100 S (with heated grips), and bought an electric vest. These purchases extended the motorcycle season that year by at least two months. I could ride sooner in the Spring, and later in the Fall, which was a very large return on my investment. And riding was so much more enjoyable, when I wasn't concentrating on keeping my body from shivering. Heat is good.
Go Heavy Duty - Plug-in Heated Apparel
For the ultimate in cold weather wear, you need heated motorcycle apparel - jackets, liners, gloves, socks, and even pants. I also highly recommend gortex motorcycle boots.And don't forget the extension cords, and adapters. You need to plug it in - in order for the heat to work. (Also remember to unhook from the bike when you get off - hear the voice of experience?)
