
Glamour Night in the Bike Club

About two towns over, there is a motorcycle club filled with beautiful women, like trained poodles on their bikes. They have perfect hair, perfect skin and perfect nails. They wear color coordinated outfits, and they always look good. We have to admit that we have been letting things in the old looks department slide- it’s almost as if we have been trying to be anti-feminine in our quest to be seen as equal. We can fix our bikes, we can do just about anything else a man can do but dammit, we don’t have to look like them all of the time.

After a tentative meeting with one of the pretty girls from over there, my friend and me have cooked up something for our club. It’s going to be a shock to some of our member’s systems, but we are going to have a glamour night at our bike club. It’s about time we realize that you can ride a motorcycle and still look like a woman- even a glammed up woman when the mood strikes.

So, the girls show up, nervous and tentative. They pat their bikes as if they will protect them from the hair curlers and mascara wands. We had three stylists working, one doing hair, one doing makeup and one doing nails. It was a beauty assembly line in there, with the ladies getting their hair cut and styled, some for the first time in years.

It is strange that we women have worked so hard to earn the right to work the same jobs that men do, we want to do the same sports and the same activities. Like our motorcycles. Back in the old days, we rode on the back of the bikes, treated like just another piece of property, no different than that bike. Now we ride the bikes, beside our guys, in front of our guys, without guys at all. Who says that while we were working to earn all of these rights that we had to give up the right to be pretty in the meantime? Are you really saying that a perm is going to set the woman’s movement back 50 years?

We look in the mirror, smiling at our results, some of the ladies looking at themselves with makeup for the first time in many, many years. We have forgotten ourselves in the course of fighting the good fight and raising families and starting careers and everything else we have had to do. We don’t have to give up the soft and feminine side to be strong and independent. We don’t have to be out to get a man to wear fire engine red lipstick and nails. We don’t have to even have a man in mind to get our hair done up special.

There was not a man within miles but we all felt gorgeous when we done. We took pics just like in the magazines, gorgeous women, all draped over their motorcycles and that was the big difference- they were our own bikes, not just sitting near some prop we had no clue about. We can look good, feel good and, dammit, still ride our bikes.

Comments for Glamour Night in the Bike Club

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Apr 10, 2011
Not Sure About This One
by: angie

Not sure how to feel about this one because so many women do take care of them selves and they still look like a women without putting on skimpy clothing, make up, ex. there have been MANY women in the 1930's, 40's, and 50's who have led the charge in breaking those barriers. I think we all still look and KNOW that we are women and riding should not have any thing to do with dolling up ourselves. It is about riding right?? I consider riding MY way or pampering myself.

I'm not trying to beat up on any one else out there just my opinion but I used to try and doll myself up once and while and the vanity was very short lived and shallow. I always thought that I admired a woman who was strong, secure with herself and not trying to be like any one else. We are women no matter what we look like or dress like, and all that matters is that we are happy with the way we look FOR REAL inside and out.
Just my opinion, take it or leave it. Thanks for reading!

Dec 02, 2010
Amen Sista
by: Kenia

I am on the same page! I LOVE to do my hair, wear cute clothes, and walk around in heels. And I LOOOOVE to ride.

I once rode into Cook's Corner (SoCal) on a giant '89 Goldwing. I had a cute shirt on underneath, complete with dark jeans, and Icon Bombshell Boots. The guys standing outside the place looked surprised when they saw me (slim/athletic, girly-looking chic) ride up. One guy was so impressed he asked to take my photo! (Kinda wierd, actually.)

I tell people I meet that I ride...and they look at me and ask, "Really?" with a confused look on their face, as they eye me up & down, taking note of my polished nails, & cute outfit.

It's funny - this whole concept that you can't be girly and ride too. I am only one woman, but each time I show someone who I am, and that I ride, I can see the stereotype girly-girl image shatter in their minds. I love doing that. :)

And I love that other woman, like you, are doing it too. You go Girl. ;)

Nov 08, 2010
Love it!!!
by: Anonymous

I LIKE and think you are so correct!

Nov 05, 2010
Love it!
by: Ruth

I love this idea, I am a member of STAR (Star touring and riding)and also LOS Lady of Star....I have never been a 'makeup' girl...but as I get close (very close) to 50 Yikes! I am thinking more and more about it. I also started riding my own bike 3+ years ago and love it. I think I may bring up this idea to our LOS group. Could be fun, and I have noticed most of us do not wear makeup....maybe just a hint of color would not hurt too much. LOL Tks again for the idea.

Nov 04, 2010
Great story!
by: Anonymous

What a great story! Thanks for sharing.

Nov 04, 2010
Woman Biker On Her Own
by: Debbie

This story was GREAT! I too, always rode on the back of the bike. Finally, after spending so much time trying to find a guy to take me on rides I have decided to get my own bike. I won't have to worry about waiting around for a man to take me out. I can hop on my bike when I want and return when I want!

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