
Girls should have fun too...

by Allison Lynch
(Alberta, Canada)

Since I was ten years old, I've dreamed about owning my own motorcycle. My parents both rode when they were young and I told my parents I wanted to take lessons when I was 17. My father especially was not very happy about the idea. In fact, he refused to consent to it. I respected his wishes, but continued to dream about having my own bike. Whenever I told people about my plans to ride, they either didn't take me seriously, or expressed great concern over my ability to "hold one up" or "handle myself" on a bike. I know I'm small, five feet and 110 lbs, but I was tired of hearing I'm too young, too weak, too small, too short, too "girly" and endless other objections. Their protests only made my desire to ride even greater. The summer I turned 21 I decided was the time. My parents were still reluctant to support it, but they had warmed to the idea a little since I'd first asked. I registered at Too Cool Motorcycle School and started my training. It was terrifying! We had to practice on all the bikes and some of them were huge! But doing it helped me gain back the confidence I'd lost from all the "you can't do its". I was the only girl in my class, but my instructors were amazing, and never once treated me any different than the guys. I took my test on the last day, and passed with flying colors! I have never been so proud of myself for anything in my life! The riding school was selling off a bunch of their bikes at the end of the season, and from them, I bought my 2004 Suzuki Marauder 250. I named her Matilda, and started riding right away. Its the best feeling ever to have achieved a goal and start living your dream. I love riding to the University where I go to school and parking for free on the sidewalk, ripping around the city and saving on gas or just taking long rides out in the country. I still get strange looks when I walk into school or a store with my helmet, and some people, especially guys, are strangely intimidated by a girl with a bike, but none of that matters when I'm riding. No cell phone, no radio, just me and Matilda, ripping up the road girly-style.

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Apr 14, 2010
Hooray for You!
by: Judith

I get tired of all the it's too difficult or it's too dangerous or how will you be able to hold up the bike. I am glad you stuck to your guns and got that training and have your bike. I just bought a Honda Shadow VLX Deluxe and am picking her up from my daughter's Friday. Hubby got truck fixed so we can bring her home. Can't wait to start practicing to get more proficient.

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