
Find a mentor

by Erin
(Elk Grove, CA)

I started out riding a dirt bike as a young girl and rode until about the age of 25. My family was into off-roading through the deserts of California. There was an older gentleman in our group that I looked up to. He had a lot of valuable advice in how to handle different riding situations, I followed his lead much of the time. A lot of time lapsed between when my off-road riding career ended and I began riding the highways (about 15-years), but after taking the rider safety course, I have another very fine experienced rider/mentor that I look up to for advice. My advice to you is to find a safe, experienced rider to guide you in developing good riding skills...you'll be glad you did! Stay safe and upright!

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May 07, 2009
I Hear You Gina, Hard to Find a Mentor
by: Dawn

I am a new Rider in RI and I know lot of people I who ride, but they take big long rides and I am clearly not ready for that yet.. I ask if they could coach me on riding skills and just plain get experience, they say oh sure but never have the time.. They live over 20 miles away and it's not just a ride around the corner and well I can't get to them.. So here I am driving up and down my street ALONE with only a permit in hand.. I can't hit the street alone till I get my full license. I guess they forgot what it felt like to be held back for the lack of skill.. I know they don't realize, but I'll tell you when I get to be an experienced rider, I won't forget the new riders behind.. I pledge to help out :-)

Oct 18, 2008
Find a mentor..reply to Gina
by: Erin

I am fortunate in that my husband is an experienced rider as are the other riders in my current motorcycle group. Maybe you could join a motorcycle group geared to your type of motorcycle and riding interests. We generally ride at least one day on the weekends with our group, rides between 100-150 miles...it's a lot of fun and a great way to network with people you have something so fun in common with. Good luck...want to hear how it turns out for you! Stay safe!

Oct 17, 2008
Hard to Find
by: gina

How lucky you are to have found a mentor that will take the time to give you riding tips and advice. I have tried finding one myself still have had not really had much response. I have posted in a couple forums looking for advice which I do get answer to my question but as far as getting someone to ride with me, I have had 2 guys reply to come give their time. I don't know why it is so hard to get experienced rider to offer the time but it is. How did you find the person you found? and how do you suggest that someone whois an new rider get a mentor?

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