
Enjoying the Enchantment, Loving the Legacy... Buffalo Soldiers!

by Aj "Suga Soldier" Coffee
(Albuquerque, NM)

Suga Soldier on Suga Baby

Suga Soldier on Suga Baby

My "Suga Baby" is so deceptive... she looks so sweet and innocent, this 2004 Honda Shadow Aero 750. But don't let her good looks fool you. She has carried me from Cali to the East Coast and back 3 summers running, as I rode her along side Harleys and Goldwings to garner support and fund raise for breast cancer research with Divas For A Cure.

And for all those "big bikes" that love to sound off with a loud thunder, my bike just purrs along. Yet she doesn't eat any bikers dust, maintaining whatever speed the pack is rolling. She may slow down a bit on an uphill climb, but trust that she will be right back in the pocket by the time the hill levels out.

I have been a member of the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club since 2003. It is with pride and honor that I ride honoring their legacy, so what better tribute than to custom paint my bike tank with their history. Along the right side is a portrait of Indians herding a pack of buffalos; on the top underneath a "cloud of buffalos" sits a little squaw (actually a portrait of my niece, Ciara, who is 1/4 native American) holding a peace pipe. And finally on the right of the tank displays a Buffalo Soldier, proud and true!

So I submit my bike for consideration for "Bike of the Month". And win or lose, at least I know I've shared with you and others that read this the history of the Buffalo Soldiers of the 9th & 10th Cavalry! Whoop whoop!

Aj "Suga Soldier" Coffee
Buffalo Soldiers M/C of Albuquerque

Comments for Enjoying the Enchantment, Loving the Legacy... Buffalo Soldiers!

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Jan 05, 2011
by: CaramelSundae

Buffalo Soldiers...and it's ALL GOOD!!! I'm so very proud of you my sister. Hopefully we will be able to meet up at one of our events, perhaps Nationals or something. Until then...ride safe you foxy lady rider you!! ;-)

Dec 28, 2010
Buffalo Soldiers
by: Anonymous

Spoken like a true soldier. Thanks for keeping the Buffalo Soldiers alive. I live in Florida and would like to be a member of your group except that I have never ridden, but always get a "high" when I hear bikes or see female riders.

Dec 04, 2010
Buffalo Soldiers
by: Buffalo Soldier 9

Keep telling that history:

Now you can read the greatest fictionalized 'historical novel', Rescue at Pine Ridge, the first generation of Buffalo Soldiers. The website is; http://www.rescueatpineridge.com This is the greatest story of Black Military History...5 stars Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Youtube commercials are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD66NUKmZPs and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVslyHmDy9A&feature=related

Rescue at Pine Ridge is the story of the rescue of the famed 7th Cavalry by the 9th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers. The 7th Cavalry got their butts in a sling again after the Little Big Horn Massacre, fourteen years later, the day after the Wounded Knee Massacre. If it wasn't for the 9th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers, there would of been a second massacre of the 7th Cavalry.

This story is about, brutality, compassion, reprisal, bravery, heroism and gallantry.

I know you?ll enjoy the novel. I wrote the story that embodied the Native Americans, Outlaws and African-American/Black soldiers, from the south to the north, in the days of the Native American Wars with the approaching United States of America.

The novel was taken from my mini-series movie with the same title, ?RaPR? to keep the story alive. Hollywood has had a lot of strikes and doesn?t like telling our stories?its been ?his-story? of history all along?until now. The movie so far has attached, Bill Duke directing, Hill Harper, Glynn Turman, James Whitmore Jr. and a host of other major actors in which we are in talks with?see imdb.com at; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0925633/

When you get a chance, also please visit our Alpha Wolf Production website at; http://www.alphawolfprods.com and see our other productions, like Stagecoach Mary, the first Black Woman to deliver mail for the US Postal System in Montana, in the 1890's, ?spread the word?.


Dec 03, 2010
Suga Soldiers Comments
by: Doc "C"

Excellent! Spoken from the heart and through the soul of a Soldier!

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