
Embarassed beyond belief, tips for moving on.

by Dawn

Well it finally happened. I've dropped my bike. I've done this before. The first year I did it several times but it's been 6 summers and I haven't done it after that first year.

We went for a ride on Sunday and after getting home I left my bike in the driveway, so I could open the garage door. Hubby got stuck at a red light and he had the remote. Anyway, hopped back on and I tried to back in as I always do and as soon as I had my foot off the ground putting the kickstand up, my other foot slipped and I panicked and fell over. Now this normally wouldn't be the end of the world, but to my utter HORROR the neighbors were having a BBQ and there were 30-40 people all within 10 feet of me on the other side of the fence, drunk and laughing and pointing. I got the bike up right away and got her parked, just as hubby pulls in. Then they clapped when I walked back out of the garage.

I'm so mortified, and I don't know how to handle this. The homeowners themselves are nice, but I can't get past the absolute humiliation. Any advice, or will this pass in time.

Too late now, but any snappy comments I could have fired off?

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Jun 23, 2011
Thank You/Update
by: Dawn

Thank you ladies for all your support. As I reread my post a few days later, I realized if this were any other poster, I would have told them to paste on a fake smile and maybe just drive straight in the garage the next time there is an audience and not try to back in until they got their confidence back.

I also give my hubby points. He asked the guy why nobody offered to help, and the guy told him that I popped it back up so quick and got it parked they didn't really have a chance. Also, the clapping was more of a good natured "yay you're OK" not mean spirited. He also told the hubby that he was sorry if I took it wrong, I'm not usually such a shrinking violet. And he's right. I normally have a much thicker skin, and am usually the first one to make fun of myself.

Just goes to show, communication, (and a good set of engine guards) made this officially a non-issue.

And to the poster below, who had to get help, ENGINE GUARDS. They keep the bike from hitting the ground completely and rock back up easier. Also, watch the Youtube or Harley demos for how to pick them up. I have a friend whose sister used to work for Harley, and she is 130# and gave demos at rally's and stuff on the proper technique. She can lift a monster Harley from the ground. AMAZING.

Thank you again for your support.

Jun 23, 2011
Next show in 2 hours!
by: Sandra

Let it go...everything's funnier when you are drunk.

Take a bow. Thank them for the applause and ask if there's any drinks left as you could use one after that work out.

My own humiliation was in front of a couple of neighbor kids who have about zero respect for anything and a kindly older lady walking her dog...I DID make the kids run for their lives as I was headed right for them when my bike and I were out of control...

I expected lots of crap from the boys every time I geared up in the future, but they never say a word; and I don't make them run for cover anymore! ;-) The kindly older lady who couldn't help but laugh at me (after I did a back somersault from under my ride) still walks the neighborhood w/her little dog.

And I still ride...

Your pride may be bruised, but no real harm done...still someone COULD have offered to help a lady pick up her ride...just sayin'

Jun 22, 2011
Who gives a !!!
by: Julie

Good for you!! You picked her up and put her safe. you weren't hurt and you picked it up!! God I wish I was there at that BBQ, I would have yelled out, now there's a real women:) Ride safe Sista!!!!

Jun 22, 2011
an off...
by: Ev

Ignorance is bliss! I can't believe they didn't even have the decency to offer you a hand. But hey, you got the bike up yourself - in front of them. I'd say that's "saving face"...Good on you!

Jun 22, 2011
Dropped Bike
by: Yvonne

Best thing to do is get up, wave and smile. It happens to the best of us. As long as you aren't hurt, no problem. We bikers understand.

Jun 22, 2011
It Sux
by: 06883xl

F-ck them, I dropped mine twice, before I lowered it. Once with all my friends watching at a stop sign. The second all alone on a hill and a stop sign. I wasn't lucky enough to know how to lift it up by myself and needed help .

Brush it off, no biggie, could always be worse.

Be safe !

Jun 22, 2011
by: Lisa Martin

You ride 'em, you gonna wreck 'em!!

Forget about it, they were probably too drunk to remember anyway! Ride free, sister, ride to live!! :o)

Jun 22, 2011
A Cuda Wuda
by: Anonymous

Which one of you drunks are strong enough to pick this bitch up n put her away???

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