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by Michelle
I have been riding for about 9 weeks. I feel like I have been doing really well. Yesterday I had one of those "I cant do this moments". Me and hubby was out for a ride, and everything was going great, my curves and turns were wonderful. I get to a small intersection with a slight hill, and loose gravel,I could not find my friction zone, this car got really close up to us, so I started flipping out because everytime I tried to take off I would roll back, I got fixated on the small roll and on the loose gravel, So what do I do? I jump off my bike (stupid) decided I will just push it up hill all the while yelling at my hubby who was just trying to help. I almost dropped my bike on the loose gravel, so we stop and take a moment, I was just like " How did I screw this up", Hubby says never get off the bike at an intersection. I knew I had to get back on the bike cause we were quite a ways from home. Ride home was uneventful. Has anyone had similar experience or any words of encouraagement. Just a bump in the road!
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