
Damn I'm Bummed!

by Lisa
(Central Phoenix, AZ)

I'm just 100 miles short of my break-in period and my first service at North Valley Honda/Kawi. So, naturally, I take my bike every place I can on the weekends because 1) I love to ride and 2) I really want to hit that 600 mile mark on my new bike so I can rest assured my bike's broken in for longer road trips.

This morning, however, I didn't even make it out of my own damn driveway. I was backing it out and I hit the grassy center part of the driveway and could feel the bike slowly leaning toward the left....I couldn't hold it up and down it went. I feel stupid. :( The good news is 1) I wasn't hurt and 2) I was able to lift it back on 2 wheels since it's only a 500cc Vulcan. Thank God I didn't have a heavier bike in spite of wishing I did sometimes. Anyway, I broke the hand shift lever and the gear pedal is bent toward the bike (don't know the technical terms for those pieces!) and the bike won't turn over. Argh.

I had to call a bike tow company (that I highly recommend to anyone living in the Valley of the Sun - PBT Towing - good guy) and watch as my bike drove away toward the shop. Clearly I have no business riding a bike if I can't even back one out of my own driveway, which incidentally I've done a thousand times before.

I'm so mad at myself :(

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May 24, 2011
by: Lisa

Wow! Thanks for the great info! (I wish you lived next door!) This got me thinking that a motorcycle maintenance class for women should be offered some where; I would totally sign up. Meanwhile, I'll hit the owners book and school myself.

Thanks for the post :)

PS Bike's *still* in the shop :( Argh

May 23, 2011
Not starting likely due to the...
by: Quicklimegirl

..sensor mounted on/under/near the gearshift lever just damaged in your little fall. New bikes have a wire going to a sensor that ensures you can't start the bike when the sensor detects it's in gear. Check to see if the wire is damaged, disconnected or otherwise tricking your ignition into thinking the bike is in gear. It's the most likely cause given what you related regarding damage to the shift lever.

Get a genuine FACTORY (not Haynes or other aftermarket type, they're not as good) manual for your bike and learn little things like this. It can save you tons of money and frustration with "down time" waiting for simple services and repairs like this. It is EASY to put a new shift lever on..normally just one bolt & perhaps a set screw. Same with clutch & brake levers. It's basically self explanatory seeing how the cable ends seat in the lever assembly. You can also do regular maintenance like oil changes, checking exhaust bolt torque. A simple set of metric tools with 3/8" drive sockets, a few wrenches and allen wrenches, and one good torque wrench and

Good luck with your bike. Take the time to learn some basics, it'll do wonders for your entire riding experience!

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