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Cross Country Motorcycle Trip Fitness

Fitness and the Cross Country Motorcycle Trip

My friend Jaa went on a cross country motorcycle trip with several other gals in our circle. She came back thrilled, exhausted, a little gritty and just a little pungent from that last few hours of riding in the sweltering summer sun. She says that she came back a better woman for having seen the country atop of her bike. She also came back a bigger woman. Thirty pounds or so bigger by the scale, but she should have known the dents and welts her jeans were leaving on her by the end of the day. Zippers should never groan when you tug them up. By the end of the trip that zipper was screaming. Two pairs did not make it back; she mourned their loss on the road. This coming summer, the ladies are going to make the run again, only this time they will do so with a better sense of their health about them.

Better Eating on the Open Road

There are better food options, even at most of the fast food places these days. But, what about if you are way out in BFE and the only option is the gas station or the greasy diner? Your best bet is to check the offerings at both and then weigh your options carefully. If the diner features the word "chicken fried" or "smothered" in front of every entree, walk on, baby, walk on. Most of the gas stations, especially the bigger ones, have some fairly decent food choices- you might be able to create a far better meal than what you would get in the dive.

Jaa and I went for a short ride one day and decided to park our rides and have a quick bite out in the shade. She chose the little restaurant, quaintly named Dave's; I ran into the convenience store. Her choice was a Salisbury steak combo platter -- greasy, tough as boot leather and oddly grayish looking. Even her mashed potatoes looked greasy to me. I had a string cheese, a ham sandwich on a whole wheat roll and a small bag of baked potato chips. When it was time to ride home, poor Jaa oofed and groaned her bloated way onto her bike. I felt fine. Actually, I could have added fruit for dessert; the little store actually had a nice selection of fresh cut fruits in the cooler.

Bottom line to save your bottom: choose healthier food choices, no matter where you might find them. Even in small, out of the way areas, you can usually find a roadside fruit stand or something similar. Avoid anything that says chicken fried or smothered in anything.

Cross Country Motorcycle Trip

Try to fit in a little bit of stretching and exercise every now and then too. Jaa hates yoga, I love it. One day, another friend and I did some impromptu Sunny Salutations with Jaa glowering and growling at us. She finally rode up ahead, eager to get away from the biker chicks who had finally blown a gasket! Park your bike; take a quick walk. Stretch your hamstrings and your calves. Take good care of yourself so that you can keep riding well into your old age. Think of this: five more pounds and your bike might fake its own attack to keep from packing your butt around.

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