Cold Weather Riding Beware
by Gina
Alright I couldn't wait for nicer weather to ride, it wasn't raining, the sun was out only about 25-30* so why not ride. I rode into work and then when I got off work later around 6:30pm getting ready to ride home, I can feel that is quite a bit colder even though they are saying 35*. I started out then a foggy mist starts coming down with the wind chill factor I don't even know how cold but I was praying on making it home. I was never so happy to see home :) my toes & fingers felt like they might have a bit of frost bite and it took a while for the feeling to come back into my fingers & toes. I say this to make a point how could of I been better prepared for such riding weather? I'm thinking heated gear is a good investment.
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