
Challenge Yourself Every Ride

by Helen
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

I don't mean to take unnecessary risks, just push yourself a little bit each time. Take a slightly different route; go downtown when it's not rush hour; try counter-steering. You don't have to do it all at once, but don't stop learning and trying. The rewards are huge and you are going to be so proud of yourself when you do it, the adrenaline high will keep you up for days!!

Comments for Challenge Yourself Every Ride

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Sep 29, 2010
by: Cris

Good for you Judith - I was on vacation last week and did the same thing! I have been riding for three years but never ventured out on the highway before last Friday! Stayed in the third lane but had to change into the middle lane to 'pass' someone. It was awesome! Even though I didn't go a great distance, I still "did it" and was proud of myself. I can say highway riding is a lot more relaxing than city riding! Am looking forward to more highway road trips next year and may even get one more in before putting my bike to bed for the winter!

Safe riding everyone!

Aug 30, 2010
Challenge Yourself
by: Stephanie (Cincinnati)

I know what you're saying. If it wasn't for my hubby I would probably still be in the parking lot. He seems to have so much faith in my abilities. Every time I say "I don't think I can do that road" he says "I know you can". And then when I do it I'm so glad I did. HE always tells me that he wouldn't push me to do something he doesn't think I could do and he's right. So far, I've done every challenge he's suggested. Maybe not as graceful as he does it, but it's great experience. But he knows when I tell him "I know I can't do that!" he backs off and we go a different way. If you don't push yourself you'll just always stay in your comfort zone. Sometimes it's great to be there, but you have to move on and up!!

Jul 27, 2010
You are so right!
by: Sandra

I couldn't agree more - there would be nothing worse than working so hard to get licensed, and then just not "going for it". Learning to move the bike, and then being able to take an enjoyable ride in a safe, somewhat controlled area is fun and relaxing; but to keep reaching for bigger and better riding experiences we need to keep reaching for bigger and better driving skills. There's no substitute for doing it! You cannot fail, OR succeed, without first trying. Hang on!

Jul 26, 2010
Trail Riding
by: Aili

Since I have a dual sport, my challenges come off-road. It's hard work...a real core workout. But I know it improves my balance and reaction time, confidence. I've hit pot-holes, slid in a little sand on a corner, hopped over curbs and even looked half-way graceful doing it, because I've struggled up sandy hills and over weird angled rocks. I'm a better on-road rider because I've had some off-road experience.

If you ever get the chance to rent a dirt bike & hit the trail, GO FOR IT!!

Jul 26, 2010
Highway Riding
by: Judith

Saturday I rode for the first time on the highway. I stayed in slow lane and got used to being in traffic. I noticed wind factor, so I will get a wind shield put on my honda shadow vlx. My speedometer was acting up so I will get that checked out. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. I have been riding around town and to work on streets. It was scary and exhilarating to be on the highway. Once I get these other things fixed, I will again try the highway. I agree, we have to keep trying and riding to get experience. I, too, have been reading the motorcycle book but it is no substitute for riding. Practice, practice, practice is my motto. My husband bought me my first pair of chaps for our anniversary.

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