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Can't Find the Neutral in the Gears
by Rene' J
I just got a new 09 Honda Rebel for my 36th birthday a couple days ago, not to mention I have never driven a motorcycle before. A dear family friend of ours who has over 20 years experience of riding, he drove my bike with me on the back to my church parking lot. I cannot help but to hold the clutch in when I put on the brakes because I cannot stop over shifting neutral to second gear to coast. I push up soft, but it just double clicks into second. I know the gears and down shifting. I do not know why I keep passing by neutral and shifting up to second just to coast and lay off the clutch and brakes. I did very good with the slow figure eights in a tight area and shifting up and down, tight turns, but not the neutral to coast or idle. If you have had problems like this in the past or have an easier way for me to find that neutral without passing it, do not hesitate, my class is in two weeks. Any advice will be great, in the meantime, I am going to get road time in!
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