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BMW F650 Funduro 2000
by Sallie
Over the course of the last 13 years, I have had a Honda Rebel 250, 883 Harley Sportster, BMW R1200C Phoenix, and now the F650. I absolutely love how easy this bike is to ride, and how much fun it is on twisty back roads and also on the highway. The bike is meant for light off road travel as well, so rougher terrain isn't a problem to take on. It is smooth at higher speeds, and isn't awkward to maneuver at lower speeds. I would say that the one draw back is that the seat is 29.5 inches, which may be high for some ladies. I am 5'8", so it is alright for me. (A lower seat can be purchased aftermarket.) I loved each of the bikes I had, each for different reasons, but this one is just a good overall fun ride, and is light and easy to handle.
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