Advice needed on full-face helmet for petite woman!
by Emma
(Central Florida)
I've just started riding with my husband, and really can't stand the helmet I have! We bought matching helmets 3 years ago when he bought the bike, but I've just now gotten up the nerve to get on the bike with him (had a pretty scary situation a few years ago that has kept me too fearful to get on a bike again, until now).
I'm 5'1" and weight 105lb. My current helmet is an HJC IS-MAX in XS. THe hubby had the same helmet, but switched to an ICON Alliance about 18 months ago and is planning in sticking with ICON from now on. Since the HJC seemed to fit me ok in the show room, I'm hesitant to make another big purchase and then dislike the new helmet as much as this one. The only women I know that ride don't wear helmets, and are Amazonian in frame, I'm left to roam Google and have only become more confused!
There are three problems I have with the HJC: 1) It has so much space between my chin and the helmet that I can fit my fist between them without issue, so if I turn my head even a little, it catches a ton of wind and therefore means I have to keep my head down and neck tense the entire time...not pleasant when I'm already tense from trying to get over my bike-related fears! 2) I don't like the built-in sunglasses since they don't come down far enough, and therefore interfere with my view. The hubby's Icon has a great darkened shield that can still be seen through at night, which is a feature I like. 3) It's HOT!!! The only air I get in it is when my head is getting knocked back from the wind getting under it from the giant gap. I'd like something with more vents, like the hubby's ICON.
I'm hoping there are some similarly framed women who really love the fit of their DOT-approved, full-face helmets, and can lend some suggestions!
Thanks :) Emma