A tip about kickstands and alcohol
by Lynne
(Penfield, NY)
Don't forget to put the kickstand down before dismounting the bike, and make sure it is down ALL THE WAY.
I had just come home from a short ride and the neighbors popped over for some cocktails before I put the bike in the garage. After they left, I remembered the bike was still out in the driveway, so I hopped on it and without starting it just power walked it into the garage and parked it.
But my kickstand wasn't fully engaged and as I was throwing my right leg over the bike to dismount, it folded. Not much you can do when you're standing on one leg and a 350 pound chunk of metal falls on you.
My engine guard protected the bike, along with the soft padding (me!) it landed on. It seriously felt like a slow motion body slam to the cement, but my feelings were more hurt than anything else. At least the bike was cooled down, otherwise I might have gotten some nasty burns to match the bruises.
I had a personal rule to never drink and ride. I have sinced changed that rule to be never drink and get anywhere near your bike whether it's running or not!