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Motorcycle Organizations for Women
Motorcycle Organizations: Why should you join a woman motorcycle rider organization or group? Well, for one, community. Motorcyclists are a large community, men and women. If you ever have had a breakdown on the road, you no doubt have had offers for assistance from other motorcyclists. Very different from driving a car.When you breakdown in your car, just count the number of people who stop and ask if they can help. I bet that you won't use many fingers. I think that the value that comes from belonging to a motorcycle organization or a group is that you have joined with other similar-minded people - other women who love to ride, and who want to promote the sport for other women. Each organization has something different to offer, whether it be educational resources, technical advice, or community for community's sake. There are historical components to some groups - Motor Maids for one. They are a group that has been around for fifty years and steeped in history. Reading about them gives me goose bumps, and leaves me with a sense of pride that I am a woman motorcycle rider.
Women on Wheels Motorcycle Organization is an international organization, with chapters in most, if not all, states, Canada, and Switzerland. The community offered by this organization includes access to a directory, so you can identify members in areas in which you are planning to travel. The beauty of an organization as large as Women on Wheels is the advocacy for the sport that can result from the pooled resources, in addition to the educational resources. Through membership, you'll also be aware of all events and rallies, and other useful information specifically for women riders (I've joined this one).Another woman motorcycle rider's group is an international one: Womens International Motorcycle Association which is also an older, well-established group. This group would no doubt prove beneficial if you plan on motorcycling out of the United States. I also like the idea of belong to a group that includes women in other countries.
There are several national organizations, for all riders, that are worth checking out. The first of which is the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, THE legal advocacy group based out of Washington D.C. I particularly like their mission statement: "The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is committed to less federal government involvement in your daily life. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation firmly supports the rights of the individual state governments to enact legislation without the threat of federal intervention. We stand for freedom of choice, freedom from unsafe highways, and freedom from unfair and overly restrictive federal and international regulations." Go check it out.The Motorcycle Riders Foundation See if you get the shivers, too... The other national group is the The American Motorcyclists Association which has a pretty meaty list of member benefits, including a great magazine. I've belonged to this group since I first learned to ride, and I do feel an allegiance to a group that promotes, and also advocates, for motorcycling. The emphasis on individuality and safety is a dichotomy that is respected and appreciated by the AMA. I also use my membership each year to get a discounted rate in the annual Chicago Motorcycle Show. I feel obligated, in a good way, to recommend the next organization, The Motorcycle Safety Foundation because it is due to the MSF that I learned how to ride, and how to do it safely. I know many other women who learned through this wonderful course, and it is a group that I have continued to support for my entire motorcycling "career". Riding with a club is the most fun. Read about motorcycle clubs and riding groups.
