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Motorcycle Helmets
Motorcycle Helmets
One of the Cheap Motorcycle Accessories
Motorcycle Helmets - A necessary accessory if you want to protect your head and your brain. I always wear a helmet,although I didn't used to, when I was a new rider. Ironically, that is when I really should have ALWAYS worn a helmet. If you have ridden for any number of years, chances are that you've known someone who was injured, badly, in a motorcycle accident. This knowledge alone, should provoke you to wear a helmet.
Why Should You Wear a Helmet?
So why should you wear a motorcycle helmet, other than because you are legally required to? Most logically, a great reason: You only have one brain. And in order to keep riding a motorcycle, you need your brain to keep working. You need motor skills, you need language. You need coordination. That's enough reason for me. To be graphic, imagine a hard boiled egg being dropped from a second story window, at a speed of approximately 50 miles per hour. That would be your head, hitting a concrete, asphalt or gravel surface. The human skull is a wonderful piece of anatomy, designed to cover and protect your brain. But, not designed to protect the brain upon impact with a road, another vehicle or tree, in the event of an accident. Enough? If you don't believe me, read for yourself: The "Hurt" Report.
Types of Motorcycle Helmets
For those who don't want to be confined, there are half - helmets, or "beanies" that cover approximately 1/2 of the human skull - the top half, where most of the brain resides. You can get half helmets with, and without visors, for even more choices. These are controversial, in that some folks believe that a half helmet is not much protection, but if you find one that is DOT approved, you've improved your odds.You can even buy a pink
motorcycle helmet.

If you want a bit more protection, you can find a 3/4 shell helmet, which covers most your skull over your brain. Again, these helmets can be found with and without visors.

Finally, if you want to protect everything in your skull, opt for a full-face helmet. There are a variety of full helmets, with the ability to open the face of the helmet from the chin, and the traditional full helmet with a retractable visor. Whatever your choice, make sure that you get a helmet that fits you correctly.
Remember, the
best motorcycle helmet
is one that you will actually wear.

How Should a Motorcycle Helmet Fit?
Unfortunately, a motorcycle helmet that doesn't fitproperly is about the same as a skull. Worthless if yourhead happens to collide with a road. The helmet needs to besnug, yet slightly move-able with the chinstrap buckled. Ilike to put the helmet on, put my sunglasses on, buckle thestrap, and then see if I can move it back and forth (leftand right) on my head, about 1/4 inch. Meaning, you want tobe able to move the helmet about your head, slightly. But,if you bend your head forward, the helmet shouldn'tmove. If the helmet is too tight, you will be reallyuncomfortable, usually at the forehead, or the temples. Youdo need some movement, but not much. The last thing youwant is the helmet to be too loose, loose enough that itcould fly off your head. Snug, without obvious pressurepoints is the best fit. If you are going to use one of the communicator systems, make sure that there are not any additional size considerations to take into account. Remember, the helmet will feel snug, a bit too snug at first. Like breaking in shoes, the snugness will get better as your helmet learns to conform to your head. Remember, wearing a helmet provides more protection than just for your brain. Other Benefits to Wearing a Helmet:
- No gravel hitting face and eyes
- No sunburned scalp
- Allows you to ride in rain and extreme weather temperatures
- Provides protection to your eyes and face from the wind
- Allows you to make a fashion statement, should you chose to.
Another reason to use a motorcycle helmet...You can carry stuff, really useful stuff!

Click Here to Read a Review of My New Helmet
As for shopping for motorcycle helmets, it is my suggestion that you find a brand that you like, be measured to make sure that you get the right size, try one on - both with and without sunglasses or goggles, and then look for a deal online. You can find very inexpensive helmets with DOT certifications, but you may sacrifice comfort and ventilation. Most importantly, buy a helmet that you will wear. A helmet bungeed to the back of your motorcycle does nothing for your brain.
Sometimes you'll see a helmet that is a one-of-a-kind piece of self expression...Just another way to be an individual, I suppose.

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