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Motorcycle Camping Gear

Useful Information for Camping on a Motorcycle

motorcycle camping

Just the thought of a motorcycle camping trip and my mind starts spinning about motorcycle camping gear. How much stuff do I need to take, and where will I pack it? Is there a tent small enough to fit on the back of a motorcycle?

What about cooking, a sleeping bag, food? And where can I camp? Do all campgrounds allow motorcycles?

When I think about camping and motorcycling, I think about the various rallies that we've attended. There are always many campers - with their tents pitched right along side their road-weary bikes. I must say, you would certainly get the total rally experience if you camped right on the rally grounds. You could wander over to the beer tent for a little entertainment, and check out the coffee vendors when the aroma started wafting over your head.

Motorcycle Camping at BMW Rally I really look forward to reaching our hotel at the end of the day, so the thought of having to pitch a tent and sleeping on the ground is not completely appealing. But, after our last rally, Bob and I decided that we would give it a try.

Since then, I've been busy putting together the gear that we'll need - to make a motorcycle camping trip easy. Is that possible?

The most important - a portable, easy to put up, and small enough to fit on the motorcycle - camping tent. Surprisingly, I found quite a few affordable options - lightweight camping tents .

Second - A warm, comfy and again portable - sleeping bag. Again, many options.

Third - Waterproof ground cover cloth. No problem.

Fourth - Cooking stuff including a portable stove, cookware, portable coffee pot, camping utensils.

Motorcycle Camping at Night

Other Useful Motorcycle Camping Gear

After the obvious, I'm really wracking my brain. If were going to be camping on the rally grounds, chances are we'll be eating outside of our little tent space - rallies usually have great food vendors. BUT, if we end up at a campground - what about fire? So, I include a fire starter and hope that we will be able to find wood either at the campground or nearby. I include a couple of plastic water bottles, some basic toiletries, a change of clothes and hope for the best.

Then, I think about the night - probably pretty dark. Do we need a lantern or a flashlight?

Motorcyclists are a pretty hardy bunch, and I consider myself to be right in that group. My list is complete - camping is roughing it, after all...Right?

Motorcycle Gathering of Bikes

Other Tips for Motorcycle Camping Trips

  • Plan ahead if you intend to camp at a campground. Not all welcome motorcycles.
  • You may need to reserve a spot at a public campground
  • Some campground have noise restrictions - make sure to learn the rules.
  • The campgrounds at rallies can get a bit loud at night. Look for the "quiet camping section," if you like to turn in early.
  • Be prepared for foul weather - a liner on the ground will keep you dry.
  • If you are a novice camper, it's probably a good idea to practice putting up, taking down, and packing the tent.
  • Unless you really really want to engage in extreme adventure travel, don't skimp on the motorcycle camping gear - you may not ever want to repeat the experience.

There are helpful guides to help you research the various campgrounds through the states: Get the current edition of Woodall's North American Directory.

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