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Learning to Ride
Is There a BEST Way to Learn to Ride a Motorcycle?
Fortunately, everyone - even men- need to learn the basics of learning how to ride a motorcycle. Just like learning how to ride a bicycle, we all need to know where the brakes are, how to work the clutch, how to turn - how to stop, brake hard and avoid dangers.When I took the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course, more than half of my class was women. I was thrilled to know that I would not be the only "chick" in the class. Not only was I going to learn to ride - I was going to be in the company of other women who wanted to learn to ride. I was even more thrilled when the first "drop outs" were men, not women.

All beginners can benefit from the wisdom of more experienced riders. Every motorcycle safety tip that you can grab is a piece of knowledge that you can benefit from - perhaps preventing an accident or mishap. Also, practice, practice, practice. If you are worried about passing the exam - Take a Free Motorcycle Sample Test

Tips for those learning to ride:
- Take an accredited course, with an emphasis on safety
- Buy a new helmet and protective outerwear
- Start slowly - practice in parking lots
- Travel with a buddy until you feel comfortable
- Ride at your own pace - don't push your limits just to "fit in."
- In the beginning, avoid riding at night and in extreme weather.
- Learn from more experienced riders who are willing to mentor you!
- Get a subscription to a motorcycle magazine, and read it - especially for the safety tips and articles focusing on skills
If you are just learning to ride, you probably should not attempt to travel by motorcycle unless you are comfortable with twisty roads. I was not so smart.
Take a Little Ride with Me!

Come ride with me in Idaho, as I travel on the Lolo pass - where Lewis and Clark explored. A great road, even for an adventurous beginning rider.
