About Her-Motorcycle.com - It's More than Just a Her!

About Her-Motorcycle - this site was my idea, and was truly inspired by a need to find a motorcycle jacket that would fit, and was made for women motorcyclists. I live in a large urban American city, and within a 30 mile radius, there are numerous motorcycle dealerships. I have visited most, if not all of them, and still have not found a motorcycle jacket that I would wear. Okay, I'm a bit picky, but I don't really want to pay hundreds of dollars for a jacket that I don't like. So, I started browsing online, and I found a number of choices that I never, never saw anywhere other than online. I found boots, helmets, gear, bags............all that would work for me: A woman motorcycle rider.But Her-Motorcycle, the website, is more than about me - it's also about Bob, the motorcycle man in my life. Bob is responsible for me becoming a motorcyclist, because he wouldn't let me ride on the back of his Suzuki, years ago, when we first began dating. He seemed to enjoy his motorcycle rides so much, and I was jealous. Then, he began riding the motorcycle on weekend trips, and I was really jealous. Being the problem solver that I am, I signed up for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course early the next Spring, took the class, and loved motorcycling from the first moment I flipped the gear shift pedal up and the bike moved forward. I still smile thinking back on that moment.
Bob helped me find my first motorcycle, a Honda Nighthawk, and spent countless hours with me in parking lots as I gained self-confidence and basic skills. Our first weekend trip was to a town about 180 miles away, but we spent two days getting there. It was on that first trip that I first rode in the rain, and attended my first small motorcycle rally. I was hooked. The Honda Nighthawk proved to be a bit mechanically-challenged, and so we replaced it with my first BMW the next year. I'm now on my third motorcycle, and have many many hours under my belt, on American roads, and also in Europe. Bob is still my riding, and life companion. (AND as of October 12, 2007, husband) Most of the content on Her-Motorcycle.com was inspired by Bob, or by our trips and adventures on the motorcycles. We've had our share of "mis-adventures," including flat tires, bad directions, snow, bad maps, road closures..........you name it, we've probably encountered it. We are fortunate to belong to a private motorcycle group, and have met many friends. Every year, our vacations revolve around the motorcycles. I can't imagine it any other way.

When we're not motorcycling, we live peacefully in an old house with a very crowded garage, and three bossy dachshunds. At home, we let the dachshunds think that it's all about them, not about the motorcycles.
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