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Deals Gap - Great Motorcycle Roads The "Dragon"

Deals Gap and Great Motorcycle Roads - the Dragon My first choice for "great motorcycle roads" is US 129, otherwise known as the "the Dragon," located at the corner of southern Tennessee and northern North Carolina, in a region otherwise known as Deals Gap. This is not a road for the timid, and I would NOT recommend it for a beginning rider.The Dragon boasts 318 curves in 11 miles and many, many changes in elevation. I rode this road twice in one day, and I must say - it is the ultimate motorcycle road. Thrilling, exciting, scary - you really need to keep your head up and your eyes on the road ahead. If you don't, you will get dizzy - and - there isn't any place to stop, park and collect yourself. Don't focus on the sides of the road either, because there are numerous crosses and other stigmata of riders who rode the Dragon foolishly. Yes, people die doing stupid things here. On a nice spring, summer or fall day, you will be riding with many other vehicles - some 2-wheeled, some with 4-wheels. You might even encounter an RV, which would truly ruin the experience. On the day we rode the Dragon, there were a few foolish speeders, passing everything in their path, but for the most part, the motorcycles and cars were reasonably trying to ride the road. My recommendation: If you come across someone who is acting foolhardy, let them pass. Please remember to use common courtesy rules on a road like theDragon.

At the end of the road, after you've conquered the Dragon, you must stop at the shop at the Motorcycle Resort, visit the "Tree of Shame," and purchase a "Dragon" sticker foryour bike. The stickers are changed from year to year, so you are actually purchasing a "one-of-a-kind" - almost limited edition decal for your bike. The gift shop also has a large selection of tee-shirts - a must-have if you have ridden the Dragon and have visited the surrounding area. I would have to include the day I rode this road as one of the most fun days I have ever had on the back of the motorcycle. The anticipation that I experienced as we neared the beginning of the road was equal to what I felt in the Alps - although, the Dragon is probably more challenging. Every motorcyclist needs to experience this great motorcycle road - go forth, and conquer the Dragon. If you make it through the Dragon without adding apart of your motorcycle to the "Tree of Shame," then you deserve a Tee-shirt - or ten. Don't you think?

The Dragon: A map of the Deals gap area with some accomodations!
Explore a map of the Deals Gap area, with some links to hotels and other lodging. Then, go make your reservations, and go have the most fun you can ever have with your clothes on!