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Best Motorcycle Gloves
Best Motorcycle Gloves
Protection for your Hands and More
What are the Best Motorcycle Gloves? - The pair that you will wear without even thinking. You need your hands. Protect them by wearing appropriate-for-the-season motorcycle gloves. Even if it's hot and humid, I always wear gloves. And, as with most things-motorcycle, I learned the hard way.Bugs and rocks hurling at your hands and fingers at full speed HURT when they impact. Gravel from the road, when shot upward from the road, is painful. It's dangerously distracting to be shaking off hand impacts while riding. So, whatever the weather, there is a pair of gloves that will protect you and not keep you from maneuvering the clutch, brakes and throttle. I keep several pairs of gloves in my tank bag - my favorite all-purpose pair of gloves would have to be my deerskin gloves. Mine are about 8 years old, discolored, stiff and all mine. They are comfortable even in really hot weather, unless it's raining, I wear them in the winter with Tour Master Silk Glove Liner underneath. They even have a dual purpose - because they are soft absorbable leather, I use them as a visor cleaner when it gets too buggy. It works until I stop and can actually clean the visor.
In my opinion, every woman motorcycle rider should invest in a pair of deerskin gloves. You won't be sorry.
The Best Motorcycle Gloves Should:
- Allow for dexterity and flexibility.
- Provide for grip.
- Be comfortable.
- Protect your hands from bugs, rocks, gravel, snow, sleet, hail, water and wind.
- Be breathable, and durable.

There are vented gloves, made of very lightweight leather or stretchy high-tech material that are also great for really warm weather.The best motorcycle gloves for you may have armor or padding over the knuckles if you're going to be dragging your knee around curves, and soft, supple leather gloves are also wonderful all-purpose gloves. If you have problems with your hands itching or hurting from vibration, the perfect gloves may be motorcycle gel gloves with gel padded in the parts of the hand that make contact with the bars. Cold weather gloves are challenging, because you don't want to lose the ability to flex and stretch your fingers. The thicker and bulkier the glove, the less flexibility you're are going to have. Something I learned recently, heavy winter gloves may need a breaking-in period before you can sufficiently flex them. Now, when I get a new pair, I'm going to use them general use in cold weather - prior to expecting them to perform well on the bike. If you have the option to get heated grips, I say do it. This was the first option that was mandatory on my BMW. Call me a wimp, but in my opinion, nothing beats the highest setting on the grips on a cold Spring or Fall morning. Think about mountain riding, and the difference in the temperature between the top and the bottom. Two words: Heated grips.