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2003 FLSTCI / 2004 Sportster XLCH
by Audrey Mincer
Sister's . I want to extend my thanks for this web-site .I am a woman approaching my 60's. and I have been *A Woman in Control*..rideing My Own Harley Davidson's since 1992.Sister ...Let me tell ya 20 years ago women riders weren't as Welcomed nor Respected in the Biker world as they are today.The Serenity I have found on some of my road trips is so unexplainable at times . My first Harley 1992 Sporty 883lx ,I rode that Harley Like My Ex was trying to catch up to me (hope some can relate) lol. My memories and Journey on my first I called her *Diamond*..We went 100k miles. and I rebuilt the top end of her by myself with the Bible in hand at 40k .in my own garage .Diamond stayed with me for 60k more miles of Serenity. She served me well.R.I.P.. I realized that my rideing skills had improved that lead me to beleive I was ready for a BIG GIRLS BIKE.Reminding myself that I am not such a Big Girl at 5"1-125 lbs.. I would have to choose wisely.I road tested quit a few befor I bought My 2003 FLSTCI.I named this one my White Lighter.As my White Lighter has become my New Serenity.I load the saddle bags with everything except the kitchen sink. and Road trip here I come . I stay gone for days. Searching the great wonders of the roads and waving to people as I go (the Princess wave) .One of the first Women I met directed me at first . and told me NEVER ride anywhere whithout your RED lipstick. Its the one way we can tell the differences between bikers men/ women.So If you see the White Lighter and the Red Lips with a Princess waving . .Yes you can laugh . Humor is part of the Serenity memories that get us thru life . Ride on Sisters . Wave like your the Princess and Always Smile LL&L* Love Loyality Laughter
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