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1994 Harley Sportster 883 Hugger
by Vanessa
It's been truly a life-long dream for me to have a bike, much less an actual Harley. There are pictures of me at three years old on a little trike that had the Harley emblem on the front of it and that love was ever-present with me even when getting on a bike seemed like the furthest thing possible at times. A series of life events clicked and stumbled into place I was about to purchase a 2009 Honda Rebel 250cc at a pushy dealership for $4000. The loan stalled and while I wasn't giving up on the financing the dealership finally went away and I think it was all meant to be because while I still fought to get the loan my girlfriend's friend landed into some bad luck and had to sell the bike she bought brand-new in 1994 that she learned on and customized and loved... for $4000! I jumped on the chance, the loan came through, and all of a sudden a rarely available immediate spot at Trama's suddenly opened up. It was like all the hassle before this was SCREAMING at me to just hold on, something's right around the corner if I can just wait, and my dream came true. I was so scared at first but after taking the MSF "Trama's" course I was up and running taking the bike to and from work 20 miles each way in heavy traffic over parkways into the evening and through rain all within the first week after completing my course. I now speed nearly every weekend at the bike shop picking up a tool, gloves, new mirrors, bulbs, whatever little things I find I need or want along the way. Plans for a paint job (as the one she did last was very um..... noticeable) and some little additions here and there are planned and here's to hoping for a kickass Harley Xmas :-) I'm sure I don't even need to express the sheer joy of being on the road and I didn't want to get off the bike no matter how exhausted I was after taking it for my first nice long easy going ride along the Long Island coast. Well, so much for a "short" paragraph but it's not easy to sum up the furition of a dream.
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